• Resolved Olly – OWMC


    I recently updated a site to WP 4.4, WP Pods 2.6 and Post Types Order to 1.8.5.
    And a thing kind of broke on my site.

    I use WP Pods to create relationships between different post types. I have a Sessions cpt related to a Talks cpt. Each Session is related to multiple Talks.

    So on the front end I have something like this:

    Session 1:
    -Talk 1
    -Talk 2
    -Talk 3
    Session 2:
    -Talk 4
    -Talk 5
    -Talk 6

    I’m using “foreach” to display the talks for each session. In the past I think this worked seamlessly. Whereby I could order all my “Talks” using the PTO, and when these Talks were displayed using the foreach, they would display in the order I set them.

    Recently, I think since updates to WP 4.4, Pods 2.6 and PTO 1.8.5, the re-ordering takes place in the admin UI everywhere, including in the multiselect list of related talks when editing a session. But not on the front end… unless I re-publish/update each Session.

    Hopefully I’ve explained well the issue.


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