This is the reply from one of my users
> Lester,
> You may remember I contacted you a few weeks ago to report a problem
> with your WP Polls plugin. To refresh you memory, I’m using your plugin
> for a “Weekly Poll” on my website at The polls are
> supposed to change out (old one expires and new one begins) at midnight
> on Sunday night/Monday morning. For several weeks, the change wasn’t
> happening like it was supposed to — and as a result, I would have to
> login to manually close the old poll, and open the new one. You had
> suggested it might be a problem with wp-cron, even though all of my
> pre-dated posts were appearing right on time as scheduled.
> Well, I think I’ve got it solved. Last week, I forgot to keep an eye on
> this until well after midnight. It was a little after 1:00am Monday
> when I got online, and realized — the old poll had closed itself down.
> Since I had forgotten to set up a new poll, the widget said there were
> no polls available at this time. I started thinking — WordPress never
> updated itself automatically for daylight savings time. I had to
> manually set it an hour ahead when the time changed in March. Even
> though WordPress has the right time, I wondered if the Polls plugin was
> still running on “standard” time.
> So this week, I set the polls to open/close at 11pm Sunday, instead of
> 12:00am Monday. And sure enough, they changed at midnight! So for some
> reason, the WP Polls plugin seems to have stayed on “Standard” time,
> even though WordPress was adjusted for “Daylight Savings” time. I’m not
> sure if this is an error in WP Polls, or in the WordPress core files
> (ie. wp-cron) — as this all just happened a short time ago, and haven’t
> had a chance to investigate further. Maybe WP-Polls is getting the
> times from the server, and not WordPress? Either way, I thought you’d
> be interested in knowing. There’s “something” going on with time zones
> and daylight savings, but I’m not quite sure where the root of the
> problem lies. I hope that helps!