• Hi
    I use WP-Polls to run a weekly poll on my website https://www.bwfcuk.com and I set it to open the polls at midnight on Sunday and close them at midnight on Friday, but after working for a couple of weeks, it is now requiring me to manually open/close the polls, and won’t open them itself.

    I am using WordPress 2.2.1 and WP-Polls 2.20 . Also, does anyone know if I have to change everything again if I upgrade the plugin version or does it keep my settings (including css)?

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  • The cron issue maybe a generic wordpress cron issue as I have been looking around this forum and some user cannot get the cron to work to publish future post. You need to check your server log to see if any cron is called to wp-cron.php.

    If you are unable to delete a poll, it is due to a bug in 2.21, it should be fixed in 2.30

    Thread Starter triplex2k7


    I posted this problem originally about 6 months ago and since then I have moved hosts and upgraded to WordPress 2.5.1 but I still have the same problem.

    Anyone know a solution?
    Thanks ??

    This is the reply from one of my users

    > Lester,
    > You may remember I contacted you a few weeks ago to report a problem
    > with your WP Polls plugin. To refresh you memory, I’m using your plugin
    > for a “Weekly Poll” on my website at cnyradio.com. The polls are
    > supposed to change out (old one expires and new one begins) at midnight
    > on Sunday night/Monday morning. For several weeks, the change wasn’t
    > happening like it was supposed to — and as a result, I would have to
    > login to manually close the old poll, and open the new one. You had
    > suggested it might be a problem with wp-cron, even though all of my
    > pre-dated posts were appearing right on time as scheduled.
    > Well, I think I’ve got it solved. Last week, I forgot to keep an eye on
    > this until well after midnight. It was a little after 1:00am Monday
    > when I got online, and realized — the old poll had closed itself down.
    > Since I had forgotten to set up a new poll, the widget said there were
    > no polls available at this time. I started thinking — WordPress never
    > updated itself automatically for daylight savings time. I had to
    > manually set it an hour ahead when the time changed in March. Even
    > though WordPress has the right time, I wondered if the Polls plugin was
    > still running on “standard” time.
    > So this week, I set the polls to open/close at 11pm Sunday, instead of
    > 12:00am Monday. And sure enough, they changed at midnight! So for some
    > reason, the WP Polls plugin seems to have stayed on “Standard” time,
    > even though WordPress was adjusted for “Daylight Savings” time. I’m not
    > sure if this is an error in WP Polls, or in the WordPress core files
    > (ie. wp-cron) — as this all just happened a short time ago, and haven’t
    > had a chance to investigate further. Maybe WP-Polls is getting the
    > times from the server, and not WordPress? Either way, I thought you’d
    > be interested in knowing. There’s “something” going on with time zones
    > and daylight savings, but I’m not quite sure where the root of the
    > problem lies. I hope that helps!

    Remaining with the polls, which is a great plugin by the way. I’ve had a problem where if I select the multiple choice option on a poll, is still only allows the selection of one. Is there a setting I can change to remedy this?

    Hi kernow, did you try restoring all the templates to default in wp-admin -> polls -> polls templates

    That has worked thanks. Have recently moved my site to a new server so hoping things will run better still. A few additions planned so see how it works out.

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