• Hi guys,

    I have upgraded my WP-Polls to version 2.0. I need some of you guys to help me test for bugs/typos.

    Below are some of the changes.
    // Version 2.0 (20-10-2005)
    – ADDED: IP Logging
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Sorting Of Answers In Voting Form
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Sorting Of Answers In Results View
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Number Of Polls Per Page In Poll Archive
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Choose Poll To Display On Index Page
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Able To Disable Poll With Custom Message
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Poll Templates
    – ADDED: Display User’s Voted Choice
    – EDITED: Better Install/Upgrade Script

    Please get back to me if there is any error through my email/forum/this thread.

    Download: https://www.lesterchan.net/others/downloads.php?id=10

    Thanks guys!

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  • boing


    hy there – i have install this script one one of my wp sites… il will right back if i found something buggy. Tnx for the plugin

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    okie np thanks

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    // Version 2.01 (25-10-2005)
    – FIXED: Upgrade Script To Insert Lastest Poll ID Of User’s Current Polls, Instead Of Poll ID 1
    – FIXED: Replace All <?= With <?php
    – FIXED: Added addalshes() To $pollip_user
    – FIXED: Better Localization Support (80% Done, Will Leave It In The Mean Time)

    Download: https://www.lesterchan.net/others/downloads.php?id=10



    Ahh I think I might have it working ??
    well.. kinda… it isnt recording a “test” vote I did and https://www.aleeya.net/wp-polls.php does not look right

    Any suggestions? I followed the readme…

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    estjohn: I have emailed you the debug method, get back to me by email when you uploaded it. Cheers



    Hmm the last email from you I got was asking if it had made a cookie.. and I replied it had not. I ended up disabling the polls. I will be gone for a couple of weels, and can work on it afterwards.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    okie then sure. I did reply you again afetr that email

    I installed the plugin but ran into a problem. I have a domain pointer pointed at my WP directory. When you vote the plugin looks up https://www.blog2.com. My directory for WP is located in /blog2. Is there a way to hard code the path of my site into the plugin? My site is https://www.blankmindblog.com


    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    Sure, open up line 95 of polls.php
    echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" name="polls" method="post">'."n";
    Replace with
    echo '<form action="www.blankmindblog.com" name="polls" method="post">'."n";

    Get back to me if it works =)

    Thanks for the quick response. I made the changes you suggested and still got the same result. So I used the real path to my blog. The post method works (sorta) now but does not post the vote as a result. Also if you click on the “Poll Archives” the page loads ok but my sidebar is too low. Check it out at https://www.blankmindblog.com .

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    i will reply you in my forums =)

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    // Version 2.02 (05-11-2005)
    – FIXED: Showing 0 Vote On Poll Edit Page
    – FIXED: Null Vote Being Counted As A Vote
    – FIXED: Auto Loading Of Poll Option: Polls Per Page In Poll Archive Page Is Now “No”
    – ADDED: Host Column In Poll IP Table To Prevent Network Lagging When Resolving IP
    – ADDED: New Poll Error Template

    I am having some problems. I followed the install and got this error on the admin side:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘pollip_host’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT pollip_aid, pollip_ip, pollip_host, pollip_timestamp, pollip_user FROM wp_pollsip WHERE pollip_qid = 1 ORDER BY pollip_aid ASC, pollip_user ASC

    I also get an error on the user side. You can see it at https://www.notjust4techs.com.

    Anybody know what is going on?

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    did you try running poll-upgrade-202.php? I think I missed putting in the upgrade for poll-install.php

    Sorry about that.

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/jrjavier/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/blix/header.php:2) in /home/jrjavier/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/polls.php on line 257

    everytime i cast my votes this errors show up…. any idea ?

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