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  • thanks, Armitage. Will give it a try.

    yea i know, except i have no idea how the & are even created in the first place. it seems like i would need to hack the poll.php file?

    I’m not sure, but I don’t see how the poll would be adding that. Did you try it with the non ip checking version? I don’t see anything in the poll’s file that’d cause that… I think it’d be something your sessions script or the server would do on its own since ? is taken, move on to &.

    yea, I got it with both the ip checking and the non-ip checking. It’s really strange as I didn’t use to get the error.

    This sucks scripts need major improving i hope some comes up with a better version of this or new script ??

    Any word on how to make it match your inline CSS?

    Well, I was able to get rid of those validation errors I was getting before. Now I’m just wondering where I would throw in stripslashes so that slashes don’t show up whenever I have an ‘ in the poll.

    It works fine in my weblog,thanks

    I’m getting this error my index page:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/xin/public_html/x/header.php:1) in /home/xin/public_html/x/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/polls.php</b> on line 70
    Line 70 in polls.php:
    setcookie(“voted_”.$poll_id, 1, time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH);
    Line 1 on header.php:
    <?php echo'<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”iso-8859-1″?>’;

    i changed over to advance poll and it rocks ?? Check it out:

    Hi, it seems that I’ve installed the Poll Plugin properly. But when i enter the admin section i get this error:
    Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘ORDER BY id DESC’ at line 1]
    web/wp-admin/polls-manager.php on line 360
    Can anyone help me?

    hi there. i’m using the older version of wordpress.. without the wp-content folder
    so this can only be used for the latest version only?

    Anon – that should be the case where you do not have any categories/posts etc…. where exactly do you see the error?
    Please upgrade to atleast wordpress 1.2.1 It is easier than you think ??

    In reference to this quote:
    “hi NM, no problem. I make a mistake, I forgot to add strip slashes.
    replace $poll_question->question with
    replace $poll_answer->answers with
    Every time I have tried this I end up with “stripslashes” showing in front of my question. Does anyone know which file specifically to edit? I’ve been working on polls.php

    After a bit of wrangling, I got it to work! Thanks for the quick and easy poll man! It’s pretty nice.
    Only things I had to do, was edit polls.php, because the url to the gif was off (it was leading to “/…/images/” and polls.php itself was in some other folder, thus..) and I had to permenantly tie down my menu, for IE’s sake. Occasionally the menu would drop down to the bottom.. Err.

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