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  • plugin?

    Thanks Zaaba. I tried the hack on my local copy, and it works great.
    I just preferto have it as a plugin, for easier maintenance and upgrading. I’m looking forward to seeing the next release.

    Fix your link to the zip ??

    Another swanky plug-in, thanks. Installed 1.3 last night. I made a custom MT plug for myself that functioned like this.
    I was agitated to think I might have to re-create something for WP. But, it was a song to swap my link database into yours.
    Nice to see people are a step ahead.

    Having problems..
    Installed it on 1.2final.
    Works great except for the ‘Press it’ link.
    In Firefox, I get a quick glimpse of a popup window, then a page not found with this in part of it
    “Oops- page not found!
    The page you’re looking for either does not exist, or has been moved to a different location within the JavaScript Kit site.
    To return to the frontpage of JavaScript Kit, please click here”
    Any ideas ?

    cool. this is 1 plugin i definitely want before i update to 1.2 final…

    Ah yes podz, I forgot to mention the link thing, I got it to work by changing the link to…
    javascript:if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0){Q=getSelection();}else{Q=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection();}void('your_install_location/wp-admin/recent-links.php?action=popup&text='+escape(Q)+'&popupurl='+escape(location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'WordPress bookmarklet','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=460,left=100,top=150,status=yes'));
    you are adding in your site location in the function…

    Many thanks – when I can get FF to work again (lots of problems here !!) I’ll try that ??

    Wonderful – got it all working ??
    One small point: The text that is provided to be put into the blog has this in it:
    titles=”Recent Links Archives”
    The ‘s’ needs to be dropped or the validator doesn’t say nice things ??
    title=”Recent Links Archives”

    One little request ?
    When I enter a link in the format:
    This is my link text [a]LINK[/a]
    is it possible that the result is output with a carriage return between the text and the href’d link ?
    This is purely cosmetic ??

    Brilliant! Works great with WP1.2-mingus. I found some strange behaviour, not connected to the plugin, however.
    I use a service called memigo, which happens to crawl my blog once in a while, and sends trackbacks to posts which include links to articles it knows about. I used wp-recent-links to post an article in my linkblog, and memigo sent a trackback to the latest post on the front page, which has nothing to do with the link in question.
    I’m not sure if this is a problem in my configuration, or just parsing weirdness on memigo’s part. A heads-up, if nothing else.

    I installed wp recent links 1.3. The installation seems fine, but when I try to load up the wp-recent-links.php page, I get this error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rp_recentlinks() in /home/username/public_html/weblog/wp-recent-links.php on line 79
    From the provided template:
    78<h2>Recent Links</h2>

      80 <?php rp_recentlinks(12, true, false); ?>
      I changed the layout to match my own template, and the error also occurs on the line before rp_recentlinks().
      Erm, I’m not sure what’s wrong.

    The error is occuring because either the plugin is not activated, or one of the other files is in the wrong place.

    Duh. I’m stupid. Thanks.
    (I don’t know any PHP aside from that handy ‘include’ command.)

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