• Resolved sameee49


    I am trying to use this plugin, I simply installed it and copied the given shortcodes on a page, and run. But the counter doesn’t increment when I invited someone using the link.
    My requirement is that user A will invite someone by his unique 6 digit code. User B will use that code while registering on the website (I am using the ultimate member’s registration form).

    I found a similar forum that is totally doing justice to my requirements. Here is the link to that forum https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/referral-by-referral-code/

    I think the code will do fine. I am total green. I have 2 questions.

    Where I have to put those 2 codes?
    Is there anything in the code that I need to change?

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  • Plugin Author shalior


    Hey, Sorry for repling late.
    the plugin does what you need but seems you’ve found a issue. how does your link looks like? I need more info about how you’re usign plugin in order to help.

    Where I have to put those 2 codes?
    Is there anything in the code that I need to change?

    can you mention exactly which codes you are talking about?
    generally you should place snippets in functions.php of your child theme.

    Thread Starter sameee49


    function um_post_registration_approved_hook( $user_id, $args ) {
    	um_fetch_user( $user_id );
    	//Referal System
    	$new_user_id = $user_id;
    	$ref_code = "";
    	$new_user_ref_code = new WP_Refer_Code($new_user_id);
    	//Sprawdzamy czy textbox z jakiegos formularza zawiera kod referencyjny 
    	if($args["refferal"] != ""){
    		$ref_code = $args["refferal"];
    	else if($args["referal"] != ""){
    		$ref_code = $args["referal"];
    	else if($args["referall"] != ""){
    		$ref_code = $args["referall"];
    	if(!empty($ref_code) || $ref_code != ""){
    		$referrer_user_id = $new_user_ref_code->get_user_id_by_ref_code($ref_code);
    		do_action('wp_referral_code_before_refer_submitted', $new_user_id, $referrer_user_id, $ref_code, $new_user_ref_code);
    		update_user_meta( $new_user_id, 'wrc_referrer_id', $referrer_user_id);
    		$users_referred_by_referrer = get_user_meta( $referrer_user_id, 'wrc_invited_users', true );
    		if ( empty( $users_referred_by_referrer ) ) {
    			update_user_meta( $referrer_user_id, 'wrc_invited_users', [ $new_user_id ] );
    		} else {
    			$users_referred_by_referrer[] = $new_user_id;
    			update_user_meta( $referrer_user_id, 'wrc_invited_users', $users_referred_by_referrer );
    		do_action( 'wp_referral_code_after_refer_submitted', $new_user_id, $referrer_user_id, $ref_code, $new_user_ref_code );
    add_action( 'um_post_registration_approved_hook', 'um_post_registration_approved_hook', 10, 2 );

    This code??
    How can i put this? Should i simple post this at the end of the functions.php file???

    What changes do i have to make before pasting this code?

    Plugin Author shalior


    My requirement is that user A will invite someone by his unique 6 digit code. User B will use that code while registering on the website (I am using the ultimate member’s registration form).

    by default, the plugin does this, this is the main function of this plugin actually. if you need to only count when users got approved in UM paste this code in functions.php

    the code you posted does similar function, but it’s not for the new version so use the code I mentioned.

    Thread Starter sameee49


    By default the plugin do nothing… whenever a person is registered after referring from another already registered member by link. The plugin still shows zero invites. User b is not invented by any user…

    So for me. Plugin is showing me statis results of 0 invites and invited by none!
    How can i solve this issue?

    @shalior @sameee49

    I had the same issue and after some debugging, I figured out the reason and fixed it.
    The issue is in the referrer code getting changed in the URL, I had the following URL for the registration page with referrer code <url>/register/?ref=h0eegc24 sometimes a / is added to the end of the URL for some reason so it becomes <url>/register/?ref=h0eegc24/, which invalidates the code and causes the plugin to not link the new referred user with the referrer account.
    So to fix this I needed to remove the extra / at the end of the referred code using the wp_referral_code_new_user_ref_code filter like this:

    add_filter('wp_referral_code_new_user_ref_code', 'fix_referral_code', 10, 2);
    function fix_referral_code($ref_code, $user_id) {
    	return rtrim($ref_code, '/');
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by mbasfour.
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