• I hate complaining about Free stuff.. but is this really still a problem.. I dont know why im “Asking” that cause it clearly still is…

    is there any sure fire way for this to stop… wouldnt this mean that WP is not customizable.. to an extent at least..

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  • Thread Starter miketopher


    I just had a bright idea to use li tags… and just style them as none,, but this doesnt work either.. wth. someone please tell me theres a fix for it.. if i have to edit core i will.. .i found a core edit was told to make, was told to find two lines of code, one was to stop from removing the other was stop adding, i found the stop removing one and did it but it doesnt work

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean. WordPress inserts Paragraph tags where needed. It works fine for most of us.

    Thread Starter miketopher


    mine are being removed.

    Before (Good)
    [caption id="attachment_69" align="alignright" width="420" caption="<li>Kaitlyn: Estheetician & Massage Therapist</li><li>I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.</li><li>I'm a New Massage Therapist specializing in 4-Hand Massage (Tandem), Foot Reflexology and Thai-Swedish style professional Massage Therapy</li><li>I attended school in Oakland, CA at The International College of Cosmotology.</li>"]<img class=" wp-image-69 " title="cmt-kaitlyn" src="https://wiztechrepair.com/mas/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/cmt-kaitlyn-300x226.jpg" alt="" width="420" height="322" />

    After (Bad/Sad)
    [caption id="attachment_69" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Kaitlyn: Estheetician & Massage TherapistI provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I"]<img class=" wp-image-69 " title="cmt-kaitlyn" src="https://wiztechrepair.com/mas/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/cmt-kaitlyn-300x226.jpg" alt="" width="420" height="322" />[/caption]

    Thread Starter miketopher


    PS: In the BEFORE i am using LI tags, i was using P tags, its the exact same outcome with p tags.. I would Rather use P tags if anyone has something for them

    Sorry, I misunderstood you, I thought you meant P tags in posts. I didn’t know you were talking about the caption. I’m not sure if you can insert html tags in the caption…

    Thread Starter miketopher


    uh man.. the simplest things.. i dont get how wp is so popular not handling what i would think to be pretty basic stuff. why would i not need to be html in a caption.. basic formatting ??

    thanks Christine

    The average user won’t want to insert html code. WordPress is designed and improved by what’s requested most. I’ve never come across anyone ever having this request. You might need to build your own function or plugin to handle that.



    There is a plugin for you that you can disable the <p> tags.. But unfortunately i forget the plugin. I used this one too and it works fine..

    Moderator cubecolour


    support for html in image captions is due to be included in WordPress v3.4. In the meantime, have a look at answer 2 at https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/39142/html-tags-in-wordpress-image-caption for a possible solution you can try.

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