Thank you for your replay,
I’ve read it and I do not get it (currently learning to customize wp rest api endpoints), everything seams to be about logging in, just want an API Key to append in the request from a native iOS app, like some of the common API’s does it.
Using a nonce set somewhere in my wordpress plugin/theme and then used in the app seams to be the way, but at the same time not, since it expires (maybe it does not have to).
Then I read:
“While cookie authentication is the only authentication mechanism available natively within WordPress, plugins may be added to support alternative modes of authentication that will work from remote applications.”
So I read the information in the “Application Passwords” plugin and the “JWT Authentication for WP REST API” plugin, but they seams to be just about authentication also, can not find anything about authorization (maybe have to digg deeper).
Do I have to use one of these plugins or can I achieve what I want with WP REST API?