WP Rocket 3.x.x isn’t recognised?
It came to my attention that BPS doesn’t recognise the latest WP Rocket and thinks it is deactivated while it isn’t, image as proof: https://image.ibb.co/grLKb7/wprocket.png
And with the BPS Wizard it also doesn’t auto configure the Caching/Compression HTACCESS code anymore. The error code I assume is because I added the htaccess code myself and BPS is thinking the plugin is not activated whilst it is.
Is this a known error and if so when might it get fixed?
Thanks in advance for further information!
Has WP Rocket changed the name of their plugin folder (wp-rocket) or root plugin file (wp-rocket.php)?
This is the WP Rocket path that is used in the BPS check to see if WP Rocket is activated: /plugins/wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php-
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
If you would like for us to test the latest version of WP Rocket to see what they have changed then send us a zipped copy of WP Rocket. Since WP Rocket is a premium/paid plugin we will do testing on a Local Development server and then delete the WP Rocket plugin after testing is completed.
They did change quite a lot however not the name of the folder nor the wp-rocket.php.
As they have a public repository with releases you can find it here: https://github.com/wp-media/wp-rocket/releasesPerhaps that might provide you enough information regarding the plugin, if not then let me know an e-mail that I can send the version to!
I am joining this thread so I know when this issue is resolved.
MUnfortunately, the GitHub source code will not work for testing. WP Rocket obviously has created code to prevent piracy of their plugin. So in order for us to be able to test WP Rocket we will need a zipped version sent to us with license/activation keys if any. Once testing is completed the WP Rocket plugin and any/all licenses/activation keys or anything else will be deleted since WP Rocket is a premium/paid plugin. You can send the required zip file and license stuff our email address listed on our Contact page here > https://www.ait-pro.com/contact/
Important Notes: If the coding changes in the WP Rocket 3+ version is extensive then it could take quite a while for us to create new BPS AutoFix code for WP Rocket. For now this forum topic may be helpful to setup WP Rocket manually > https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/wp-rocket-plugin-htaccess-code-where-to-put-it/#post-25441.
My WP Rocket license is linked to my website, I can’t simply provide it to you. However wouldn’t it be best for you to ask WP Rocket if they can provide a temporary license key for you guys?
With that said I might ask someone who could actually provide a copy as he has an infinite version of WP Rocket. So I’ll let him mail that to you if he’s willing, no guaranties though.
As well that I’ll be contacting support of WP Rocket and mentioning this thread in hopes they might contact you folks for a copy of WP Rocket that can be used for your research purposes if the Github version isn’t sufficient.
Your friend James sent me a copy of WP Rocket for testing, which I will start tomorrow morning and then delete the zip file and the WP Rocket plugin files after testing is completed. I could have probably made the GitHub version work, but that would take extra effort and time to do that. ??
Ah great, hopefully it will help you through it!
Thanks in advance and best of luck! Looking forward for an update ??
I did also contact WP Rocket to look at this thread so yea let’s see if they might just give you a dev version of WP Rocket for future updates and such that might help you guys out developing your plugin as well! Or at least that’s the thing I requested them for :p
Just received the following from the WP Rocket team:
Hi Rafa?l,
Marko from WP Rocket here.
Thanks for letting us know. I have shared this with our developers so we will follow BPS feedback. If necessary, we will work together to resolve the issue as soon as possible ??
Let me know if you need any further assistance, I am happy to help. ??
Best Regards,
Marko Nikolic
Website: https://wp-rocket.meSo I am hoping they’ll contact you soon with a proper developers version or something similar to get this solved!
Ok I have completed testing WP Rocket 3.0.4 and everything still works exactly the same like it did in all previous versions of WP Rocket. No changes are needed in BPS or BPS Pro Setup Wizard AutoFix code.
So that means that whatever problem is occurring on your site and Mariette’s site is local to something on your website’s and not an issue/problem with BPS/BPS Pro and WP Rocket or a procedural mistake is being made.
All that is required that should still work fine is to run the Pre-Installation Wizard and Setup Wizard, which automatically sets up WP Rocket htaccess code in BPS Custom Code and your Root htaccess file.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
Some possible causes for the problem could be…
* The plugin folder name is not: /wp-rocket/
* Mod Security is enabled on this server/website and needs to either have SecRules/SecFilters fixed or removed or Mod Security needs to be disabled.
* Some kind of Proxy or caching issue/problem affecting the wp-admin backend area.Recommendation: Export your custom code using the Custom Code Export feature. Click the Delete button to delete all of your saved Custom Code. Deactivate and activate WP Rocket. Run the Pre-Installation Wizard and Setup Wizard again.
For me it still gives an error even though I deleted all the custom code, reinstalled the plugins and did this on a freshly installed WP installation.
Not sure what causes it but the folder of WP Rocket is indeed “wp-rocket” and all the previous custom code was removed to then follow the wizard which didn’t do anything.
So yea not sure what’s causing this but if you would like to have a look at my test server I can provide you an account to test it!
The error I’m getting is the following:
WP Rocket htaccess code was not found in your Root htaccess file If you have deactivated Root Folder BulletProof Mode temporarily then disregard this message. When you activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode again this message will go away automatically. Or you can run the BPS Setup Wizard now to make this message go away now. If you just installed WP Rocket then go to the BPS htaccess File Editor page, click the Unlock htaccess File button, then go to the WP Rocket plugin settings page, choose and save the WP Rocket plugin settings that you want to use and then run the BPS Setup Wizard to automatically setup/combine WP Rocket and BPS htaccess code together.
And when I delete the htaccess and then try to redo the wizzard it says the following as in my initial message:
WP Rocket is deactivated and WP Rocket htaccess code was found in your Root htaccess file If you have deactivated WP Rocket temporarily then disregard this message or you can run the BPS Setup Wizard now to make this message go away now. If you are planning on permanently uninstalling WP Rocket then run the BPS Setup Wizard after you have uninstalled/deleted the WP Rocket plugin.
It’s really weird to be honest and it’s also not always the case, but in various case it actually does act very strabgely.
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Yep, since you have BPS Pro then send me a WP Admin login to your test site. Everything worked fine on my test server. I did a clean install and several other tests and things worked exactly the same as they did in previous versions of WP Rocket.
“”…It’s really weird to be honest and it’s also not always the case,…”.
That sounds like an intermittent problem then. Intermittent problems are caused by these things: php memory/cache/caching plugins/CDN’s/VPN’s/Proxy’s/Load Balancers/Host server problems (new security measures added on Host server (Mod Security, etc.), DNS server/DNS configuration problem, MySQL server timeout, server overloaded, etc.), /Browser problems (corrupt cache, Sessions, Cookies, add-on, extension)/ISP (connectivity)/CloudFlare, Incapsula, etc.
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