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  • i like the short stats style very much… ( All info avalilble in Dash Board )

    May be they should do one which pull stats from Awstats?

    Moderator James Huff


    May be they should do one which pull stats from Awstats?

    Found via:

    Thread Starter chuyskywalker


    Soteke: I’m really not familiar with how localization works. The data I pull from hostip could be passed through a filter or what not, just really not sure how it works.

    Reevo: The easiest way to clear the database is to jump into something like phpMyAdmin and delete the tables by hand. They should be called wp_ss_stats and wp_ss_search.

    Anyone think of what I can do to get the ShartStat entries to go away?

    Dump the database or clear the tables.

    Is it as simple as just deleting the tables I don’t need?

    Moderator James Huff


    Is it as simple as just deleting the tables I don’t need?

    If you clear the tables (delete the entires in the tables), then you won’t have to run ShortStat’s installer script again. If you dump them (delete the tables entirely), then you will have to run ShortStat’s installer script again.

    Nice one, sorted now, thanks for the advice all. Back to a healthy 1.75meg file!

    Don’t know why, but the plugin slows down the loading of my web page HUGELY!

    great plugin …

    after running it for a while it suddenly stopped working today. After testing various things, I’ve found that the Google Sitemaps plugin ( version 2.7 ) by Arne Brachhold
    conflicts with it somehow. After deactivating the google sitemaps plugin, the stats are working again.

    anybody else run into this ?

    Is there any way to have w-shortstat remember the unique hits from previous days in the week, rather than general hits?


    Good sleuthing. wp-shortstat didn’t work for me when I tried it out. I thought I was going crazy. I just tested it, with and without Google Sitemaps, and reproduced your results.

    I want to continue using Google Sitemaps. My workaround is to install the original ShortStat, rather than use wp-shortstat.

    @raanan_nyc thanks for tracking that down. I wondered why my wp_shortstat stopped counting! Turns out, it was the same day I installed the Sitemaps plugin.

    Advice? Which one should I run? Or, will the wp_shortstat author be able to update this plugin to workaroud the problem?

    I’d love to have Shortstat back, but Sitemap seems important for search results…

    is anybody in touch with the author of this plug-in ?

    perhaps he’s not aware of this bug ? i sent an email via the contact form …

    anybody out there find a workaround beyond using a different version of the plugin ?

    Upon investigation, it looks like the two are indeed tripping over each other. The Google Sitemaps includes admin_functions.php because it needs the get_home_path() function provided in it, but the WP-ShortStat plugin specifically will not log the hit if admin_functions.php is loaded to avoid logging the admin pages (makes sense, I guess).

    Since it seems that I would never be publishing, editing or deleting a post without being in the admin interface, I think it’s safe to disable the inclusion in the Google Sitemaps plugin.

    To do that, open Google Sitemaps 2.7 sitemap.php file and scroll down to line 159. Change it from:

    require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-functions.php');


    // require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-functions.php');

    save it and re-upload it.

    So far so good on my site ??


    hmm i have shortstat and sitemaps both running w/o any apparent problems?

    v1.3 of wp-shortstat is counting admin visits. This was fixed in v1.2, is there a patch?

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