Being a complete newbie (so please be patient and kind:-) ) I started building my blog using WP-Forge without (as far as I am aware) using the WP-Starter. This was because in my excited haste I saw the theme – was pleased with it and got on with building it without reading around as much as I ought to have done. Then I found out about child themes and was horrified that I had made such a basic mistake. So, because I am such a beginner I decided to go back to square one and build another blog using the WP-Starter so that I could use the Child Theme approach. I haven’t made to many changes to functions but there is a fair amount of styling changes that I’ve made. So (although I knwo that this may be the hard way of going about it all, I have copied all of the settings off the blog that I have built and went to upload WP-Starter n order to start again – build it and activate it when I had all of the plug ins and settings correct. However, when I go to upload the WP-Starter it says that I already have that theme ! Obviously I am not getting this still and have a lot to learn. I wondered if anyone would be good enough to take me through this step by step.
This is the code at the start of my CSS at the mo. Am I correct in saying that this is the WP-Forge and not the WP-Starter code?/*
Theme Name: WP-Forge
Theme URI: https://themeawesome.com/responsive-wordpress-theme
Author: ThemeAwesome.com
Author URI: https://themeawesome.com/
Description: A simple, responsive theme, WP-Forge is a combination of two powerful platforms: WordPress, the leading open source blogging tool and content management system and ZURB Foundation, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Foundation comes packed with all kinds of goodies. You get cool things like tooltips, modal popups, a slider, pricing tables and a whole bunch more. Combine the two and you get what many consider the best WordPress Foundation theme that makes creating websites fun and exciting again! Use WP-Forge right out of the box, or use it with WP-Starter (WP-Forges’ WordPress child theme) to build the site you’ve always wanted.
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: light, black, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready, responsive-layout
Text Domain: wp-forgeThanks
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