• WP Super Cache (WSC) supports mobile devices but it is a headache to make it work properly.

    In my case, I use WPTouch. It appears that when WSC detects a mobile device, it will pass the request to WPTouch to render it and saves the content in index-mobile.html file. When another mobile user comes, the index-mobile.html will be served to the user.

    Problem arises if users want to switch the WPTouch to view the full site. WPTouch includes a mode switcher in the footer. The problem is even if the user is able to switch it to the full site, WSC saves that full site as index-mobile.html. When next mobile visitor comes, he/she is served with the cached full site that is saved in index-mobile.html!!

    Unless you want to disable the mobile/normal mode switch in WPTouch, which is not a good idea, mobile users will be shown with inconsistent content formats.

    The only way to fix this seems to be disable caching for mobile users all together. However this cannot not done by turning off mobile user support in WSC. Doing so will make WPTouch useless.

    I’d like to suggest the plugin author to add an option to not cache at all for mobile users but makes sure WSC hands off to WPTouch nicely.


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  • Any updates here @donncha?

    I’m running into this same problem.

    I have Super Cache enabled with WPTouch support (I run WPTouch Pro), but when I view it on my mobile device, it’s serving up the desktop cached page.

    No, haven’t had a chance to look at this in ages. ??

    I am also facing the problem with wptouch, My site was running fine with wptocuh enabled in wp super cache from last six months, but suddenly i faced the problem that even in desktop browser mobile theme is opening by default. I then disable and and enable wp-touch and even uninstalled , installed wptouch but problem is still there. Even my website failed to load then what i have done , I rename plugin folder using fileZilla to plugin1, dashboard come after I have disabled both the option mobile support in advanced setting and in plugin disable wp touch. after that also changed caching option as php cashing in place of mod_rewrite rules. In .htaccess file i delete all the mod rewrite rules. After that my site come alive. I have tried many times to again enable wptouch but same problem. Now I am not able to set mobile theme any solution

    I suppose this has happened due to upgrade of wordpress to 3.4.1 recently.

    Just wanted to say: same here. WP Super Cache either caches the mobile or the desktop version and serves them to both clients. :o( A fix would be so great.

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