• Resolved jesant13


    I have WP Super Cache enabled on my website, but when I go into its settings it says:

    WP-Cache (0KB)

    * 0 Cached Pages
    * 0 Expired Pages

    WP-Super-Cache (0KB)

    * 0 Cached Pages
    * 0 Expired Pages

    These are the settings that I have on or enabled:

    – ON WP Cache and Super Cache enabled

    – Don’t cache pages for logged in users.

    – Clear all cache files when a post or page is published. (This may significantly slow down saving of posts.)

    – Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. Recommended for very busy websites with lots of comments. Makes “directly cached pages” and “Lockdown mode” obsolete.

    – Mobile device support using WordPress Mobile Edition.

    – Super Cache Compression: Enabled

    – Expiry Time & Garbage Collection: 3600 seconds

    In addition, under Directly Cached Files there is the message Warning! /home/jonathan/public_html/ is writable. Please make it readonly after your page is generated as this is a security risk. That may be a bug because I’ve had an internship at a hosting company in Maine and one of the employees say it shouldn’t be saying that because that directory needs to be writable.

    Should WP Super Cache be showing that it is caching anything or is that just how it works? I know it’s on because when I view the source of my website in Firefox at the bottom it indicates that WP Super Cache is running.

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  • Super Cache only chaches pages when they’re “hit”, i.e. the first time somebody loads them. Then it keeps the page in chache only for the expiration time, in your case 1 hour. So if you have low traffic, you may see 0 pages cached because no page has been visited in the last hour.

    About /public_html/ “needs to be” writable – depends on by whom. By you, your group, everyone? If you, what actually is “you”? Apache serving your website may have a different user ID as you when you log in by FTP. Depends on how your host is set up. Learn about permissions and chmod. If that employee meant /public_html/ should be writable by everyone, you need to change your host immediately.

    Thread Starter jesant13


    WP Super Cache is working correctly, as I just discovered when I checked the plug-in’s settings menu:

    Cache Contents

    WP-Cache (0KB)

    * 0 Cached Pages
    * 0 Expired Pages

    WP-Super-Cache (11.92KB)

    * 1 Cached Pages
    * 0 Expired Pages

    List all cached files

    Garbage Collection
    Last GC was 12:30 minutes ago
    Next GC in 57:30 minutes

    Expired files are files older than 3600 seconds. They are still used by the plugin and are deleted periodically.

    As you can see, there is one cached page which is 11.92 KB in size. I’m wondering if it wasn’t caching anything because nobody was visiting my site when I checked the settings menu of WP Super Cache. Before I noticed that WP Super Cache had cached one of my website’s pages, I had posted links to it on my Facebook account and my Twitter account, so like I said, maybe it simply wasn’t caching anything because nobody was visiting the site at the times I was checking.

    Problem Resolved

    Edit: I didn’t see your post LAffaire. So I guess my assumption was correct – things are only cached when other people visit the site.

    As for the public_html thing, I’m the only one besides the hosting company (which is Maine Hosting Solutions) that knows how to get into the back-end of the website.

    I’m not going to worry about it – it could simply be a bug of some sort.

    As for the public_html thing, I’m the only one besides the hosting company (which is Maine Hosting Solutions) that knows how to get into the back-end of the website.

    That’s what you think…
    Just make sure /public_html/ is writable by everyone, post the URL of your blog and see what happens.

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