• Hi all!

    Just finished up a 4-column theme for WP 1.5+ called News Print. This is a major upgrade of the News Time theme.

    It has 3 main columns where the posts go – you can select the order to be:
    -) left to right then repeat, or
    -) 3 categories, one for each column, or
    -) equally posted, first the left col, then middle, then right

    There is also an in-theme style switcher available, so your readers can customize how the blog looks. Instructions on how to add/change them are included.

    The fourth column on the right is for search, advertising, links and so on. There is a README.txt that comes with the release that explains it.

    You can see it in action on my test blog and a real world blog here, and a relevant post found on my blog with the download link.

    Thank you,

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  • jbbrwcky

    It looks very well made.

    Please I have to questions

    1- How to remove all the Ads from the Blog?

    2- How to make an upper box just like on your Blog?

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter jbbrwcky



    just delete the (basically anything, and including, the <div class=”ads”>).

    By the “box” I presume you mean the message directly underneath the menu? That’s the featured category, you can alter it in index.php line 97:
    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('category_name=featured&showposts=1'); ?>

    just change the ‘featured’ to your own special category name. Or alternatively, just delete the lines 93..107



    If I remove the Ads from post-single.php, the whole layout will be shred to pieces any idea to solve this?

    Thread Starter jbbrwcky


    In post-single.php remove lines 1..27, 67..86, 127..148 and you should be fine.


    Yes it works

    Thanks again

    Kind day! Theme News Print is super!!! But I do not have on the main page block the main news. Why a problem? Help me!
    See to https://olpop.com/word/

    Thread Starter jbbrwcky


    Hi Olpop, I presume you mean the block beneath the menu that appears on the examples I gave?

    In index.php, line 97:
    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('category_name=featured&showposts=1'); ?>

    Change the “featured” to the name of your main news category. Then the latest article should show in the large block that spans the three columns.


    Thanks big! I long could not understand. Success Now has come! Very much to you it is grateful for a good theme.

    Thread Starter jbbrwcky


    NP olpop, glad you like/use it.

    Thread Starter jbbrwcky



    Just wanted to say that this theme has been updated. It is STILL a three column+sidebar theme (total four columns) but I have added the option to change this (with the flick of one variable) to a two column+sidebar theme (total three columns).

    This is because of several people asking for this. Thanks! You can get this at the same place btw, News Print theme page, the 1.2 version.


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