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  • I have been working with the spanish translation, but the .mo file doesn’t translate the plugin. I’ve tried and, first in /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/lang and then in /wp-content/languages/plugins.

    When I put the translation file in /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/lang, nothing happens, but when I put it in /wp-content/languages/plugins, the first plugin menu is translated, but the other pages appear blank.

    Which are the correct names for translation files and which are the right folder to place them?

    Thanks in advance,

    Eduardo Larequi.

    Thread Starter fxbenard


    Hi Eduardo, I have exactly the same issue.
    We’re only providing the translations not the i18n code for it ??

    I’ll open a new support ticket about this and leave this threat for what it is: WP-Translations supports the translation effort for this plugin

    Thanks, fxbenard, for your reply and clarification.

    Hi fxbenard!

    The problem with the non-functioning translations has long been known in iTheme team already. There are already several here in the forum to topics.

    WithtThe translation tool online you are the Second, who tried it.

    How do you know iTheme accepts the translations?

    I have made ??for better-wp-security the German translation.
    For iTheme-security is my translation already to 98%.
    Maybe have old translators (from better-wp-security) well as the translations already done.
    The effort by you and the other at Transifex is perhaps nothing.


    Thread Starter fxbenard


    Hi Kniebremser,

    I have no idea if iThemes will accept the translations, I’m offering the service for Free, that’s all.
    By the way if you want to supply the german translation on Transifex you’re most welcome. Don’t stay by yourself, together will be stronger ??

    For the iThemes decision : They code, they decide. They know what’s best for them.
    I’m already surprised that such a big plugin isn’t i18n ready.

    Will see what happen next

    Bonne journée

    Thread Starter fxbenard


    @kniebremser You were right, they don’t give a damn (and I stay polite)

    Too bad for non english users, but who cares.
    The lesson learned here: Never judge a plugin by his number of downloads

    So long

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