• Resolved graemetw


    Hi guys

    Just upgraded to WordPress 4.3 and started to get emails from our membership customers right after.

    They all reported being sent TWICE, an email telling them their password was changed (when they did not).

    Here’s a copy of an email:

    From: WordPress <[email protected]>
    Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 9:08 PM
    Subject: [The Online Dog Trainer Video Membership Site] Notice of Password Change
    To: [email address removed]

    Hi [ name removed]

    This notice confirms that your password was changed on The Online Dog Trainer Video Membership Site.

    If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at
    [email address removed]

    This email has been sent to [email address removed]

    All at The Online Dog Trainer Video Membership Site

    We run a wp plugin for our membership called DAP and we run a WP Plugin called Simple:Press Forum, so we sync DAP with WP Users, so I know this is not coming from DAP, it’s WordPress.

    Any thoughts on what might have triggered this, or how to stop it when doing future upgrades would be really useful.

    Many thanks

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  • I am not aware of any registered user getting any such e-mail from any of my own sites, and I would have seen a few if any had been sent. So, I would suspect something within your overall setup had somehow given WordPress the idea new users had been added.

    Resetting Your Password received attention [during the recent update] and 4.3 improves the way passwords are chosen and changed. You start out with a strong password [determined by WordPress] by default and you are given the option to keep it or choose your own. A password strength meter is available as well as the option to hide your password from prying eyes. You will find the new password interface on the password reset screen and the WordPress install screen. WordPress will no longer send passwords via email and the password reset links will expire in 24 hours. Finally, e-mail notifications will be sent out in the event that an e-mail or password is changed.


    edit: I just took a look at the user and “Add New” editor and there is now only a “Generate Password” button where the two password fields used to be. I never liked the idea of “Force strong passwords” such as offered by a certain plugin I use, but now it looks like that has been forced upon us even though WordPress still comes out of the box in need of much “hardening”!

    As a baffled Doogie Houser used to say, “Go figure.”

    I am seeing the same error. I also use DAP.

    Thread Starter graemetw


    JohnBlonn, please contact DAP and let them know it’s happening to you too.

    They say it’s purely a WordPress problem. Thanks!

    Thread Starter graemetw


    Please can a WordPress person respond…

    Your 4.3 update says: “…e-mail notifications will be sent out in the event that an e-mail or password is changed.”

    But every time one of my members logs in they are receiving this email “Notice of Password Change”.

    And every member (active and inactive) is receiving these emails, more than once, without logging in or changing their password at all.

    What’s going on here?? My entire business relies on keeping my members happy so I can’t keep spamming them with these Notice of Password Change emails.

    Please help!

    graemetw – I’ve contacted DAP as well. I’m pretty convinced that it’s the WordPress sync. When you login to DAP, DAP sends the email and password (?) to sync with WordPress Database. WordPress then detects a password “change” even if the password doesn’t actually change. Hence the email. That’s my theory.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    This is undoubtedly a problem with DAP.

    Send them this information:

    That password change email is triggered any time that wp_update_user() is called with a user_pass argument. If the plugin is not actually changing the password, then they need to not update the user with a password field.

    This is because whether or not you change the password *to the same password*, the database will be changed. The same password can be hashed pretty much an infinite number of ways, so if you send it a user_pass, then it actually is rehashing it and updating the entry in the database.

    So, stop calling wp_update_user() with a user_pass field over and over again, and no more emails will be sent.

    If they need more information, or advice on how to change their plugin code to stop doing stupid things, then they can contact me directly. My email is [email protected].

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If you need a TEMPORARY fix, then this line of code in a plugin will stop the emails.

    add_filter('send_password_change_email', '__return_false');

    This is a TEMPORARY fix only. These emails are being sent for security. Users *need to know* when their passwords are changed, especially if they did not change them.

    Complain to whoever makes the DAP plugin until they fix it.

    Thread Starter graemetw


    Thank you Samuel Wood! Comments have been forwarded to DAP.

    DAP has updated their code. They updated my website and it seems to have fixed the problem.

    Thanks Otto for IDing the problem for us!

    Thread Starter graemetw


    Same. DAP’s superior support has fixed it for me too (temporarily, mind).

    Thanks Otto!!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Sweet. Nice to make a difference.

    If one of you could send me the new code to examine, so I can check and send them any feedback, I’d appreciate it. Same email as above. I just want to cover the bases, sort of thing.

    Thread Starter graemetw


    Hey Otto, I have forwarded your request to Veena at DAP. She’ll be in touch soon.
    Thanks again, G

    Thanks Graeme!

    Hi Samuel, this is Veena from DAP. Thanks for your help!

    Currently we are just suppressing the WP password change email from being sent (unless the admin password is changed).

    DAP is a membership software. It does not allow subscribers to update password in WP directly. It hides the password field on the WP profile page. The only way users can update password is via the DAP profile page.

    When DAP syncs users, it does a full sync that includes password. In the next release, we will update DAP to only sync password if password is updated. But the patch we have now (that prevents WP from sending the email) works fine and is not an issue as DAP controls the password updates.


    Hi Veena and everyone –
    I have received a couple of emails today from users asking me about the same issue on my DAP-protected sites. This issue must be happening for all DAP sites on the new WordPress version.

    Veena – please send a notice out to all DAP licensees with instructions on how to fix this issue on both the current official release as well as the beta release that many of us are likely to be using. Thanks!

    I have also sent the information in this thread to LDAP LPRM. Hopefully this issue can be resolved. Thank you to everyone for your help.

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