• Okay, I have a weird question, but figure it was probably done before. I’m working on a new site, where I will have WordPress as my journal system, and then everything else will be a Wiki. Now, I wonder one thing:
    Would it be possible to integrate WordPress into the Wiki to make linking from WP to the Wiki as easy as it is from wiki to wiki?

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  • This is absolutely possible and absolutely simple. Or, rather, absolutely straightforward. What you’d want is a plug-in similar to Textile that parses your post text and converts “[[Donut Shops]]” to “Donut Shops“.
    If you look through the textile1.php script, you can see that it’s basically a bunch of regular expressions that parse the text — you’d need to figure out what regex to use. Also, one would need to figure out how to wrap it up in a WordPress plugin …
    From my experience skipping over the surface of geekdom, there are probably a handfull of people out there (on this board, really) who have the proper set of knowledge who could code this up in half an hour or so. I’m not one of those people, alas. But you can always hope! Or you could learn some php and figure out how the hell regex’s work …
    – drew

    You already have a wiki plugin for wordpress at weblogtoolscollection.com
    There is another plugin which enables you to use wikiword style linking in you blog.
    A search will help you find these, use google.



    Don’t know if this is what you want? https://www.ezpdo.net/blog/?p=792.

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