I tried hooking it up to this but it is still not working:
/* Load more updates at the end of the page */
if ( target.parent().hasClass(‘load-more’) ) {
if ( bp_ajax_request ) {
jq(‘#buddypress li.load-more’).addClass(‘loading’);
if ( null === jq.cookie(‘bp-activity-oldestpage’) ) {
jq.cookie(‘bp-activity-oldestpage’, 1, {
path: ‘/’,
secure: ( ‘https:’ === window.location.protocol )
} );
oldest_page = ( jq.cookie(‘bp-activity-oldestpage’) * 1 ) + 1;
just_posted = [];
jq(‘.activity-list li.just-posted’).each( function(){
just_posted.push( jq(this).attr(‘id’).replace( ‘activity-‘,” ) );
load_more_args = {
action: ‘activity_get_older_updates’,
‘cookie’: bp_get_cookies(),
‘page’: oldest_page,
‘exclude_just_posted’: just_posted.join(‘,’)
load_more_search = bp_get_querystring(‘s’);
if ( load_more_search ) {
load_more_args.search_terms = load_more_search;
bp_ajax_request = jq.post( ajaxurl, load_more_args,