I installed wordpress 1.5 recently and had troubles with podcasting too. Here’s what i’ve figured out through experimentation and looking at the source. Please correct me if i have anything wrong. I’m generally very happy with wordpress but the auto-enclosure stuff still has some rough edges.
1. When you publish a post, wordpress goes through each url in the post (the url must begin with ‘http’) and goes to that server and fetches an http header for it. If the mime type begins with ‘audio’ or ‘video’, it rememberss the file size and mime type and creates an enclosure for that url.
2. If retrieval of the http header for an url fails for some reason then wordpress won’t create an enclosure. This could happen if your wordpress server is offline, the file host is offline, or if the file host is misconfigured and returns the wrong mime type (say, text/html instead of video/quicktime)
3. WordPress will also fail if the server returns a 302 and tries to redirect you to another url. I’ve looked at the code for this and wordpress sees the text/html content type of the 302 message, and continues on, ignoring the new url it’s been given. I ran in to this because i have some video hosted at archive.org and wordpress didn’t make an enclosure for this url. I fetched the http header by hand and realized it was getting redirected. I bet archive.org does that for all it’s urls and wordpress 1.5 blogs won’t include any archive.org urls in their podcasts.
Here is my wishlist:
– fix wordpress so it follows referals
– give feedback so the user can tell when enclosure creation has failed. Ignore urls that obviously aren’t audio/video like html,htm,jpg, gif, etc.
– wordpress should also recognize application/x-shockwave-flash since quicktime, real and other video apps are able to play flash and flash is so common.