• It seems there’s all sorts of plugins that display content for registered users and not display them for non-registered users. I have not found any that support WP2.2 however.

    I know this is a CMS-like feature, but WP is sooo user friendly, I’d prefer to use it instead of Joomla (and others.)

    I’m seeking the ability to display “public” content for non-registered users and “private” content for registered users. This is for a number of clubs that have public presence and want to display information to everyone. Additionally they’d like specific content for members only.

    Anyone see how to do this with WP2.2?

    Additionally, does anyone know of updated information on using WP more like a CMS?

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  • Yep I agree this should be part of the core, there’s only one plugin that is suppose to restrict pages but it doesn’t work with the latest WP when i remember the url i’ll paste it here

    hidethis plugin download link doesn’t work goes to an error page

    and plugin restriction doesn’t work with the lastest wp version

    And the error messages are ?

    I’ll be damned, since i switched back to php4 it works, i was using php5 seems a few things flake when using php5, thought most people are using php5 these days

    PHP5 hasn’t been a smooth transition from what I read. One more bad experience (yours) fits that pattern of why almost nobody runs it as the default on their hosting service.

    I have Group Restriction running on WP 2.2.2
    It only protects static pages.

    Category visibility does offer some filtering by user level, but it does not offer any real protection. It is far too easily bypassed.

    The “HideThis” works really good… however, does anyone know how to use it in templates? So that sections of the template, or certain navigation, doesn’t appear unless someone is logged in?

    I tried simply adding it into the template code, but that doesn’t work.

    I’m thinking the PHP needs to be altered somehow… any ideas?



    Well, the links for Hide This are dead.

    Dammit, I can’t find any plugins that do what I want — restrict access to certain pages (and their subpages) to registered users only. But I want the links to those pages to be visible in the menu in order to encourage non-registered users to register for the restricted content!



    I posted about this in a similar thread:


    but I’ll repeat my solution (for WP 2.2.3) here…

    I got it to work by not using the Page Access plugin (normally comes with the Page-Restriction plugin).

    When Page-Access is activated in WP 2.2.3, Page-Restriction breaks, but you don’t really need it anyway.

    Also, I used the 1.5 version amended by Graeme Findlay (but only installed the page-restriction.php file):


    Hope someone takes on expanding and maintaining this plugin (my PHP chops just aren’t good enough) — it’s very useful.

    Hello there, I’ve developed a plugin very similar to Mark Edwards’ Hidethis which is compatible with WordPress 2.5. It uses [hide] [/hide] tags to hide a post text zone to unregistered users. This plugin is available on my blog there :


    bye bye!!!

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