• We are getting thousands of db errors per day from our wordpress install. We’re running 4.3.1 currently in multisite mode.

    The error is logged as follows:

    WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘events’ for key ‘slug’ for query INSERT INTO wp_16_terms (name, slug, term_group) VALUES (‘Events’, ‘events’, 0) made by do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, _wp_batch_split_terms, _split_shared_term

    The functions wp_batch_split_terms and _split_shared_term are located in wp-includes/taxonomy.php.

    Haven’t seen anything specific to this error when I searched for it. Anybody else seeing this?

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  • I’m also having problems with these errors in Multisite mode.

    Are you using any plugins such as w3 total cache?

    I’m additionally finding that my cron task database entry is continuously increasing in size as its filling up with erroneous tasks.

    I’m currently troubleshooting this, but unsure of a resolution.

    Thread Starter morriswanchuk


    I have discovered a few things. First, and foremost, my db version is not up-to-date. This despite running updates through the auto-update and ensuring the network upgrade is performed as well. I am only able to upgrade the db by visiting the /wp-admin/upgrade.php script for each blog on my network. I’m going to do this and make sure i’m up to date and then see if the errors are persisting…

    I’ll post back.

    Check the version by seeing what the db_version option says in any of your wp_options tables.

    Thread Starter morriswanchuk


    @bkmp So after updating the db the errors went away. See if that is your problem….

    YES, this worked.

    I had the exact same set of issues and had to update the database on each site one at a time.

    Great job morriswanchuk!

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