• Resolved Rajarshi Bose


    I am playing around with shortcodes and how to display HTML in the front end .
    Consider , I have a form like below :

        <div class="form-group">
            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="r_inputTitle">
        <div class="form-group">
            <textarea class="form-control" id="recipecontenteditor"></textarea>
        <div class="form-group">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Recipe</button>

    I want to display it in the front end on a shortcode . This is how I do it . In
    my index.php :

    add_shortcode( 'recipe_creator', 'r_recipe_creator_shortcode' );

    In creator.php ( which has the shortcode callback ) I have :

    function r_recipe_creator_shortcode(){
      $creatorHTML          = file_get_contents( 'creator-template1.php', true )
      return $creatorHTML;

    This shows the form correctly .

    Now suppose from inside the r_recipe_creator_shortcode() function I call another
    function which just stores in the buffer and return the TinyMCE editor code like
    below :

    function r_recipe_creator_shortcode(){
      $creatorHTML          = file_get_contents( 'creator-template1.php', true );
      $editorHTML           = r_generate_content_editor();
      return $creatorHTML;
    function r_generate_content_editor(){
      wp_editor( '', 'recipecontenteditor' );
      $editor_contents      = ob_get_clean();
      return $editor_contents;

    On doing this I found out the following div to be inserted after
    <label>Content</label> and before <textarea class=”form-control” id=”recipecontenteditor”></textarea> .

    <div id="qt_recipecontenteditor_toolbar" class="quicktags-toolbar">

    This is a screenshot of how it looks like : Screenshot 1

    I understand ob_start() wont output wp_editor() instead output is stored in
    $editor_contents which is being returned to $editorHTML . I am curious how this
    div is inserted in the HTML though I am not doing anything with the $editorHTML
    variable but just returning $creatorHTML from the shortcode callback .

    Investigating further I found out if I var_dump $editor_contents ( which should
    have the complete code for wp_editor()) , the div , <div
    id=”qt_recipecontenteditor_toolbar” class=”quicktags-toolbar”> [ in green ] is in
    there but some divs along with the style are missing [in red] in the output . Screenshot :
    Screenshot 2

    Could some body please tell me a) how the div with id=”qt_recipecontenteditor_toolbar” is getting inserted ? b) why only the div with id=”qt_recipecontenteditor_toolbar” is getting inserted and not the complete HTML for wp_editor() ?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I tried your code on my site. I replaced the file_get_contents() with some basic HTML. The editor was not output because the value of $editorHTML is never included in the return. After concatenating $editorHTML to the return, I got exactly what was returned by a direct wp_editor() call. Nothing more, nothing less. Whatever is going on on your site is external to the code you posted.

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