• Resolved chrismask


    My theme is using wp_localize_script for diplsaying some strings in js, but translatepress doesnt seem to work and has wp_localize_script isnide blacklisted functions. This is the code:

     $localize_array = array(
    'ajax_url' => $ajax_url,
    'payout_not_valid_email_msg' => esc_html__('The email address is not valid. Please add a valid email address.', 'listeo_core'),
    'is_rtl' => is_rtl() ? 1 : 0,
    'lang' => defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : '', // WPML workaround until this is standardized
    'price_min' => $_price_min, '_price_max' => $_price_max, 'currency' => get_option( 'listeo_currency' ), 'currency_position' => get_option( 'listeo_currency_postion' ), 'currency_symbol' => esc_attr($currency_symbol), 'submitCenterPoint' => get_option( 'listeo_submit_center_point','52.2296756,21.012228700000037' ), 'centerPoint' => get_option( 'listeo_map_center_point','52.2296756,21.012228700000037' ), 'country' => get_option( 'listeo_maps_limit_country' ), 'upload' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=handle_dropped_media' ), 'delete' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=handle_delete_media' ), 'color' => get_option('pp_main_color','#274abb' ), 'dictDefaultMessage' => esc_html_("Drop files here to upload","listeo_core"),
    'dictFallbackMessage' => esc_html__("Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.","listeo_core"),
    'dictFallbackText' => esc_html__("Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.","listeo_core"),
    'dictFileTooBig' => esc_html__("File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.","listeo_core"),
    'dictInvalidFileType' => esc_html__("You can't upload files of this type.","listeo_core"),
    'dictResponseError' => esc_html__("Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.","listeo_core"),
    'dictCancelUpload' => esc_html__("Cancel upload","listeo_core"),
    'dictCancelUploadConfirmation' => esc_html__("Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?","listeo_core"),
    'dictRemoveFile' => esc_html__("Remove file","listeo_core"),
    'dictMaxFilesExceeded' => esc_html__("You can not upload any more files.","listeo_core"),
    'areyousure' => esc_html__("Are you sure?","listeo_core"),
    'maxFiles' => get_option('listeo_max_files',10),
    'maxFilesize' => get_option('listeo_max_filesize',2),
    'clockformat' => (get_option('listeo_clock_format','12') == '24') ? true : false,
    'prompt_price' => esc_html__('Set price for this date','listeo_core'),
    'menu_price' => esc_html__('Price (optional)','listeo_core'),
    'menu_desc' => esc_html__('Description','listeo_core'),
    'menu_title' => esc_html__('Title','listeo_core'),
    "applyLabel" => esc_html__( "Apply",'listeo_core'),
    "cancelLabel" => esc_html__( "Cancel",'listeo_core'),
    "clearLabel" => esc_html__( "Clear",'listeo_core'),
    "fromLabel" => esc_html__( "From",'listeo_core'),
    "toLabel" => esc_html__( "To",'listeo_core'),
    "customRangeLabel" => esc_html__( "Custom",'listeo_core'),
    "mmenuTitle" => esc_html__( "Menu",'listeo_core'),
    "pricingTooltip" => esc_html__( "Click to make this item bookable in booking widget",'listeo_core'),
    "today" => esc_html__( "Today",'listeo_core'),
    "tomorrow" => esc_html__( "Tomorrow",'listeo_core'),
    "next_7_days" => esc_html__( "Next 7 days",'listeo_core'),
    "yesterday" => esc_html__( "Yesterday",'listeo_core'),
    "last_7_days" => esc_html__( "Last 7 Days",'listeo_core'),
    "last_30_days" => esc_html__( "Last 30 Days",'listeo_core'),
    "this_month" => esc_html__( "This Month",'listeo_core'),
    "last_month" => esc_html__( "Last Month",'listeo_core'),
    "map_provider" => get_option('listeo_map_provider','osm'),
    "address_provider" => get_option('listeo_map_address_provider','osm'),
    "maps_reviews_text" => esc_html__('reviews','listeo_core'),
    "maps_noreviews_text" => esc_html__('Not rated yet','listeo_core'),
    "category_title" => esc_html__('Category Title','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_su" => esc_html_x("Su", 'Short for Sunday', 'listeo_core'),
    "day_short_mo" => esc_html_x("Mo", 'Short for Monday','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_tu" => esc_html_x("Tu", 'Short for Tuesday','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_we" => esc_html_x("We", 'Short for Wednesday','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_th" => esc_html_x("Th", 'Short for Thursday','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_fr" => esc_html_x("Fr", 'Short for Friday','listeo_core'),
    "day_short_sa" => esc_html_x("Sa", 'Short for Saturday','listeo_core'),
    "radius_state" => get_option('listeo_radius_state'),
    "maps_autofit" => get_option('listeo_map_autofit','on'),
    "maps_autolocate" => get_option('listeo_map_autolocate'),
    "maps_zoom" => (!empty(get_option('listeo_map_zoom_global'))) ? get_option('listeo_map_zoom_global') : 9,
    "maps_single_zoom" => (!empty(get_option('listeo_map_zoom_single'))) ? get_option('listeo_map_zoom_single') : 9,
    "autologin" => get_option('listeo_autologin'),
    "no_results_text" => esc_html__('No results match','listeo_core'),
    "no_results_found_text" => esc_html__('No results found','listeo_core'),
    "placeholder_text_single" => esc_html__('Select an Option','listeo_core'),
    "placeholder_text_multiple" => esc_html__('Select Some Options ','listeo_core'),
    "january" => esc_html__("January",'listeo_core'),
    "february" => esc_html__("February",'listeo_core'),
    "march" => esc_html__("March",'listeo_core'),
    "april" => esc_html__("April",'listeo_core'),
    "may" => esc_html__("May",'listeo_core'),
    "june" => esc_html__("June",'listeo_core'),
    "july" => esc_html__("July",'listeo_core'),
    "august" => esc_html__("August",'listeo_core'),
    "september" => esc_html__("September",'listeo_core'),
    "october" => esc_html__("October",'listeo_core'),
    "november" => esc_html__("November",'listeo_core'),
    "december" => esc_html__("December",'listeo_core'),
    "opening_time" => esc_html__("Opening Time",'listeo_core'),
    "closing_time" => esc_html__("Closing Time",'listeo_core'),
    "remove" => esc_html__("Remove",'listeo_core'),
    "onetimefee" => esc_html__("One time fee",'listeo_core'),
    "multiguest" => esc_html__("Multiply by guests",'listeo_core'),
    "quantitybuttons" => esc_html__("Quantity Buttons",'listeo_core'),
    "booked_dates" => esc_html__("Those dates are already booked",'listeo_core'),
    "replied" => esc_html__("Replied",'listeo_core'),
    "recaptcha_status" => $recaptcha_status,
    "recaptcha_version" => $recaptcha_version,
    "recaptcha_sitekey3" => trim($recaptcha_sitekey3)
        wp_localize_script(  $this->_token . '-frontend', 'listeo_core', $localize_array);

    what can i do to print the translations correctly?

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Support Anghel Emanuel


    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching us!

    TranslatePress is supposed to work out of the box with any plugin/theme due to its string by string translation approach, applied in a generalized way on the final HTML. However, there are certain cases that we encountered where the plugin/theme was partially incompatible. Even then, most incompatibilities simply refer to some untranslatable strings.
    Here is a short list of things to take into account:

    • Avoid applying string manipulation (strlower, str_replace etc.) on the variables containing the text localized through WP functions ( (), esc_attr() etc. )
    • Use WP admin-ajax when possible, custom ajax solutions have a higher risk of incompatibility
    • Use standard WP search functions, custom post search implementation is unlikely to work without special integration code

    If there`s anything else, please let me know!

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter chrismask


    My question was clear enough, i use

        wp_localize_script(  $this->_token . '-frontend', 'listeo_core', $localize_array);

    to display some strings for other js scripts, but translatepress doesnt translate none of these strings, probably due to wp_localize_script being one of blacklisted functions inside the function process_gettext_strings:

            $blacklist_functions = apply_filters( 'trp_gettext_blacklist_functions', array(
                'wc_get_permalink_structure' // make sure we don't touch the woocommerce permalink rewrite slugs that are translated
            ), $text, $translation, $domain );

    Also, i tried trp_translate (https://translatepress.com/docs/translation-function/) but these are not for gettext strings, is there another function that i can use for gettext translations?

    Plugin Support Alex


    We need to take the pulse of this ticket. Is it still relevant?
    In the meantime, I set this ticket as Resolved. You can also change its status back to unresolved and let us know by replying to this topic if your request still needs attention.
    Another option is to leave this ticket as it is and open a new one where to mention the issue again and ask for support.

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  • The topic ‘wp_localize_script and translations inside dont work’ is closed to new replies.