• After a lot of help from Fluffy ( https://trikuare.cx/ ) and Skippy ( https://www.skippy.net ), I have finally manage to make the plugin work.
    This plugin integrates WordPress and PHPBB, using PHPBB as the comment engine.
    (unfortunately it is not a completely one-click plugin yet)

    For complete information, directions, and a demonstration go to

    I am working on other features, but also working on a MA thesis. (so forgive me if they dont get implemented quickly)

    Feedback is always welcomed.

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  • I fixed the first error by copying the function from sessions.php and pasting them into wphpbb-v2.0.php. Now when I try to log in using that form I get a blank page at wphpbb-login.php.

    Also, and this is picking a bit of a nit, line 1226 of wphpbb-v2.0.php has a semicolon at the end that is unneeded and makes its way to the screen.

    ETA: In order to keep from having to change the sidebar.php file every time I disabled ephpbb, I made the line calling the registration script to

    < ? php if (function_exists(‘wphpbb_login’)){ wphpbb_login();} else { wp_register(); } ? >

    It’s much easier to manage the issue now.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Just to keep anyone else watching this thread updated.
    Hardincomp and I have been debugging wphpbb to work with Categories Hierarchy. It seems that the massive rewrite of PHPBB didnt leave PHPBB Fetch All operable. We are trying to figure out how to solve this. If you are not using Categories Hierarchy, then you will not get the errors he was having. (hopefully)


    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Version 2.3(07252005) (soon to come)

    Manage Panel now behaves and pulls correct topics (notice it doesnt pull from other wp installations either)
    Translatable – went through and made it so you can easily translate (po and mo files in zip)
    Easier to set up a€?? now you select the forum and user name and dont have to worry about the ids. (the options panel sets them for you, how nice of it)
    general cleaning up of options and manage panels.
    fixed minor issue with multiple users and multiple categories. (actually was looking for old setting)
    all links should now have a sid number if one is available, kind of help with the cookie problems.
    link to forums now changing Topic link so it links directly to forums.
    some other things I cant remember.

    Still working on fixing the problems with Categories Hierarchy.
    Got it down to cookie problem.

    Another suggestion, which is minor, would be that linking (back) to the blog from the phpbb site might be a good way to help people get oriented better.

    Once you leave the WP section and find yourself at the forums, it seems to become somewhat disorienting.

    I know that the phpbb navigation is simple, and not difficult to alter or add to.

    just a thought.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    dss: Do you mean setting something up at the top of phpBB to link back to Blog or do you mean setting up something to link back from the topic?

    For the topic, you can put a link back to the original WP post in the topic post of phpBB. In fact, the default it starts with is:
    Permanent link to Title (where the title of the post is a link to the WP post)
    (with a nice excerpt)

    For the phpBB, I have a flash logo for the site that allows the users to go to all the sections. So if you are in the boards(phpBB) you will see a link to “Main” which is the WP (blog). It should be easy to put the WP header on top of phpBB or viceversa, but I like my flash logo.

    Do I think this is something that wphpbb needs to do? No because its goal is to pull the comments from the boards into WP. I think with the ability to link from the topic back to the WP post reduces any problems for the users who prefer to read the comments in phpBB.

    I simply modified my theme’s overall_header.tpl to include a link back to my blog from the forum. You can see the results on my forum. That’s on the top of every page so there’s no problem. Also, that way I don’t have to worry about generating a link back to a specific blog post for every topic created once I get everything integrated and let the forum host the blog copy as well as the comments.

    Got it.

    so the former example is really a dual example, where there is a blog offered for those who wish to read the blog, and the latter offers more of a back and forth relationship between the admin posts (blog posts) and the comments (board replies.)

    Very cool.

    I have an install of WP and a message board operating for one site, the message board is very active, and the blog is… well, it’s hard to say. My guess is that people feel a lot more comfortable having conversations and contributing on message boards, where as only other bloggers tend to feel at home with a blog.

    I’m impressed with this work.

    Still thinking things over… perhaps I’ll give this a shot on a test site, and see what I can contribute… Generally speaking I am partial to punbb and bbpress because they are more simplified, and can easly be styled to appear exactly the same as the blog.

    Though WDuluoz has done a fine job of making them look similar, I’ve found phpbb pretty rough going in terms of revolutionary visual reworking, where as punbb and bbpress are a snap.

    I’ll give it a try anyhow.

    Good work!

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Yeah, phpBB is tough when it comes to designing a look. I found it was easier to modify phpBB into something I could stand, then modify WP (or MT at the time) to look like it.

    bbpress looks impressive, but its still alpha software and it doesnt support avatars (except through plugins). These two reasons will keep me from using it until its stable. I dont have much of a audience for my site, mainly family and friends, but they love changing their names and avatars on a daily, sometimes per post basis.
    Maybe when bbpress finally is released, Skippy will make his gravatar plugin work for it and I can migrate over to bbpress. Till then, its phpBB.

    It’s not bbpress, but punbb is very lightweight, styles quickly, and easily, and supports avatars and gravatars already.


    I installed this plugin and got to the point where I was configuring the main required options. I messed it up the first time, with the wrong db name, and got the standard WP error, “Can’t select Database”. I went back to change it, and now the WPHPBB config page has the same “Can’t select database” error where the submit button would be, prohibiting me from changing the bunk settings. I uninstalled, re-uploaded and re-activated at least a couple times, and the same page is there. What can I do to go back to the clean slate?

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Unfortunately, it is in the new version that I am working on. I probably wont have it ready for awhile because I am redoing the phpbb database part to actually pull the information from phpbb and not have the user set it up.
    The only way to do it now is to manually delete the wphpbb_options entry in your wp_options table of the wp database.
    Sorry, I didnt set up the system failure better. I am currently implementing as many tests as reasonably possible. I am also finishing my MA thesis and teaching three classes, so work on wphpbb has been put on the backburner until I catch up.


    Thanks, I got it working. Is there anyway to turn off the session ids? I found a hack to do it in phpBB, but they’re still there in my links to the comments in WP.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Not an easy way. If you look through wphpbb for wphpbb_appendsid() and have it return the value without doing anything, then it will stop putting the sid at the end.

    I will add it to the options panel for next release, whenever that may be.


    um…i’ve tried readying this but i got more confused. checked you site but the instruc pages seem to be down? is there a valid plugin for phpbb to do this?

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    “Instruction pages seem to be down”?
    The directions are here.

    What do you mean by valid plugin? I have struggled with this code for 3 months to make it one-click, and I dont believe its possible for the various reasons I state in my directions.

    If you are having problems with the plugin, email me with questions and I will do my best to help you. Numerous individuals have successfully got the plugin working, but its not an “easy” plugin for someone who doesnt understand php and the two databases. If you cant understand the directions, then ask me. If you cant understand my explanations, then maybe wphpbb is not the plugin for you.
    As suggested by dss, maybe punbb would be a better forum solution.
    As far as I know, no one has made a one-click plugin for forum integration. Not even for bbpress.


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