• Hi,

    I’m making a plugin that calls my own REST API. Previously I used curl without any problems, but to get the plugin approved I need to use wp_remote_get() instead.

    When I use wp_remote_get(), I can call my REST API function, but the function doesn’t receive the request arguments.

    1) My curl looked like this:

    $url = "https://www.modeltrainprices.com/wp-json/public/get-product?brand=" . $atts['brand'] . "&model=" . $atts['model'] . 
            "&currency=" . $atts['currency'] . "&key=" . $atts['api-key'];
    $curl_handle = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
    curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response_json = curl_exec($curl_handle);
    $response = json_decode($response_json, true);

    No problems. REST API function called and the function receive the arguments from the url.

    2) This is my wp_remote_get() implementation:

    $url = "https://www.modeltrainprices.com/wp-json/public/get-product";
        $args = array(
            "brand" => $atts['brand'],
            "model" => $atts['model'],
            "currency" => $atts['currency'],
            "key" => $atts['api-key']
    $response = wp_remote_get($url, $args);
    $response_json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
    $response_data = json_decode($response_json, true);

    Function is getting called, but the request arguments aren’t received.

    3) I try to get the request arguments like this in my REST API function:

    $brand = esc_sql($request['brand']);
    $model = esc_sql($request['model']);
    $currency = esc_sql($request['currency']);
    $api_key = esc_sql($request['key']);

    Anyone who can spot what is going wrong? Why does my curl implementation work, while my wp_remote_get() doesn’t work?


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Where did $request come from? Wouldn’t it instead be $response_data? Or am I conflating two different attempts?

    Meh, doesn’t matter. I’ve not used remote_get much but I don’t think you can pass arbitrary args. Acceptable args are at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/classes/wp_http/request/

    I think your args need to be rolled into the ‘body’ arg. Not sure if it’s supposed to be a PHP array or JSON. Try both ways ?? Verify that it gets translated correctly into a proper request through your server access log.

    Thread Starter Mads Phikamphon


    Thanks a lot for the answer.

    $request is the parameter of the API function like this:

    public function mtp_api_get_product($request) {...}

    Not sure if you can pass arbitrary args, but that thinking lead me to the solution.

    Just do like this:

    $url = "https://www.modeltrainprices.com/wp-json/public/get-product?brand=" . $atts['brand'] . "&model=" . $atts['model'] . "&currency=" . $atts['currency'] . "&key=" . $atts['api-key'];
    $response = wp_remote_get($url);

    Then everything works just like it did with curl.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Hah! Nicely done!

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