You don’t anything wrong, it’s just an array answer (it will show results by number like [1] = stuff1, [2] stuff2 so on.
To display it in page, you just need to process it, like:
$php_array = wp_remote_get();
echo $php_array[1];
echo $php_array[2]; so on
in general arrays are called with loops like, if $php_array not empty, display the next line of table.
to show it in your page, and verify data is ok (and see all lines in table/array), use something like:
$php_array = wp_remote_get();
If it works well, will display the data inside in a big blurby line. Data to be called and displayed like i showed at first. Many tutorials on the net and codex with this problem. It’s a very complex one at first because, a single $code thing can be 4D, containing 2×5 columns like in excel for example. it’s a full table or array for a single call in php like $this_custom_array();. Took me ages to understand.
Hope it helps,