wp_wpb2d_premium_extensions doesn't exist
Hi, I have noticed my Apache error_log grow to a HUGE size over the course of the last 48-hours. This is when I updated the plug-in to the latest version.
Every second, the following error is listed:
[17-May-2013 16:16:56] WordPress database error Table ‘DATABASE_NAME.wp_wpb2d_premium_extensions’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_wpb2d_premium_extensions made by require(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), include_once(‘/plugins/wordpress-backup-to-dropbox/wp-backup-to-dropbox.php’), WP_Backup_Extension_Manager->init, WP_Backup_Extension_Manager->get_installed
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