Hi Hesham Zebida @hishaman,
I have identified the issue which is causing that particular problem and found a temporary solution with the help of a friend @infosatech, that we have made the variable in web-page-element.php to constant, which is 'copyrightYear' => schema_wp_first_post_date( $format = 'Y' ),
to 'copyrightYear' => '2017 - 2018',
But this is a temporary fix, just to avoid any SEO issues. I recommend that you look into your code which should automatically take the copyrightYear for each and every single post. Which is actually your plugin should do. But in place of individual page and post data it’s fetching only the 1st article published date and applying throughout the site, which is definitely a wrong implementation.
Hope I have cleared the scenario. I am also attaching the codes screen shot for a better picture. I hope you will rectify this as soon as possible, as this is a question of SEO too. We thought to leave this as is, but I think it’s not write, as if we need to do this manually then what is the use of any plugin, also it does not makes any sense. Moreover normal users will never know what is actually happening.
WPFooter Error Screenshot
A humble request to you, please implement the SiteNavigationElement Schema Type, I am doing it manually for the time being. I really appreciate your efforts. It’s really nice coding standard that I can locate easily the problem, which naturally proves a good practice which a developer should follow. Great Plugin!
Thanks in advance! Waiting for your reply.
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