@ethanchoi “WP Mail SMTP” is the only plugin that “WP Forms” lets you use for sending emails. However, Until version 1.7.1 of “WP Mail SMTP” worked normally. After update 1.8.1, does not send any services (Google, MailGun, and the rest). I tested with PHP 7.3, all services worked except GOOGLE (both “gmail” and “g suite”).
One mistake is that (I use the g suite) is that the Google account is not linking. After confirming to Google that you allow emails to be sent on your behalf, you should be redirected back to the plugin’s admin area, but it loads the site’s main page, and doesn’t activate the linked account button. .
The google email used was always the same, there was no password change, no two factor authentication or anything like that. Email is unique to this service.
I already checked the client ID / Secret, redid more than three times, copied and pasted the client ID / Secret, digitel character by character, tested it in another browser, anyway not being redirected to “WP MAIL SMTP settings page” after allowing Goolge to send emails on my behalf.
Already uninstalled, deleted data in BD, data remaining files, no caching storing, reinstalled the plugin, configured, testing in other browsers, testing other services (such as “mail gun”, for example) and none of that resolved.