• Resolved sharyndecker


    just successfully added my first plugin. i LOVE wp.google.weather! however, it disrupts the look of my home page unless i place it as the very last (lowest) sidebar item. i would like it to be the second sidebar item (after my ‘search’ box but before my ‘categories’) you know, to add some color near the top of my homepage, but when i put it there, my remaining sidebar items (pages, links, archives) get shoved way, way down to the bottom of that page. it is as tho the weather box is using many, many inches of white space below it. did i do something wrong? is there a simple fix? fyi, i’m a total newbie. thanks for any ideas. –sharyn from https://www.lewiscountysirens.com

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  • The plugin is adding a <div style="clear:both;"></div> line to your sidebar markup. Ideally you need edit the plugin files to remove this line for the final markup. However, you could try adding:

    .hw_wpgw div {display:none;}
    .hw_wpgw div.hw_wpgw {display:block}

    to your theme’s stylesheet but I’m not 100% sure that this will work.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    thanks esmi, you may already know from a previous chat, that i don’t yet know WHERE i would go to edit a plugin file, in other words, where to go to see that line and remove it. (let alone adding something to a stylesheet, lol) can you point me in the right direction to edit the plugin file? –sharyn

    Sorry – I don’t know that plugin. Your theme’s stylesheet is style.css – see Admin/Appearance/Editor/style.css

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ok, i’m getting there. i went to my wp control panel, then down to ‘appearance’ then to ‘editor’ then on the right hand side i see a list of ‘theme files, templates” and i clicked on ‘sidebar” so now in the middle of that page, i see a whole bunch of code that i guess tells my sidebar how to act.

    are you saying THAT is my sidebar markup? and if i could find that one line you mentioned in it, i could delete it? OR do you mean i need to go somewhere else to edit the plugin file?

    your looking at a .php file you need to find the file with .css at the end style.CSS

    Do you know how to use ftp.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ok. thanks spotcream! so find the file with .css at the end. and where would i look? no, don’t know how to use ftp. my combo of bluehost (my web host) and word press seem to do a lot of stuff automatically for me.

    i know wp recommended using some ftp, so i downloaded cyber duck, but have not employed it, nor found any need to yet. i asked blue host a question about ftp, and was told i don’t actually need it.

    i would grateful even if you just got me pointed in the right direction and i was able to take baby steps in understanding some of these basic terms.

    ok open up admin
    scroll down left to apearance
    select edit will bring u up a screen with file names down the right hand side

    if you look down you should see a heading in black (BOLD) saying styles find style.css

    then paste this in at the bottom

    .hw_wpgw div {display:none;}
    .hw_wpgw div.hw_wpgw {display:block}

    like esmi suggested then click save

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ok. heavy sigh. at the bottom of that list (turns out the bulk of those are ‘templates’) but below those are two items under the black bold heading of ‘styles’ one in red says ‘stylesheet’ and in parentheses after, in gray says (style.css)

    so if i click on that, i’m going to see a BUNCH of code looking stuff in the center of my screen.

    you’re saying i could paste esmi’s suggested phrases at the bottom and click save?

    spotcream, thank you

    its very hard to follow what your saying but i think it is a yes to do what i think your saying.

    can you put the widget in the middle so i can see what effect it is having on the theme.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    i’m sorry its hard to follow me. i’m just learning the terminology. (and wp) yes, when i placed the widget in the middle of my sidebar … oh, you’re suggesting i move it so you can take a look. sure. i’ll do it and let you know in a few minutes that its done.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ok. i moved the widget in between my ‘pages’ and my ‘links’

    so you’ll have to scroll down to the end of a very, very, long post to find the rest of my sidebar items now

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    esmi: you rock! i removed that line from the plugins php file. it looks just like it should now. thank you so very much for knowing what to do, and for sharing that with me.

    spotcream, thank you too for the hand-holding.

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