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  • wpMandrill has also stopped sending all my emails, including those from Gravity Forms. Everything was working well, and then a couple days ago, all emails are being sent from WordPress. I have deactivated/activated, and tried a new API Key, with no luck.



    This is happening for me as well. Just started today. It isn’t happening on every site, only one at this moment. randomly after 3-4 months of working perfectly emails no longer go through mandrill and are just being sent from the web host server.

    When I sent and email through the test section of the mandrill plugin settings page it goes through mandrill, but that is the only time.

    As others have said I have also deactivated/activated the plugin but nothing.

    Does this plugin have some kind of logging or error hooks? I know that this plugin will fall back to using the default WP sending setup if there is an issue sending it through Mandrill. Is there anyway to know when this happens?




    It seems like mine is a conflict with Google Analytics by Yoast v5.2.8.

    Hopefully this help you.

    Do you know which plugin is causing the conflict? I have this same issue and can’t simply disable either plugin.



    I reverted the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin back to v5.2.7 and Mandrill worked as expected. So my guess is the issue is with the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin. Might even be an issue with all Yoast plugins

    More info here:

    Yes it is because of Google Analytics by Yoast plugin.

    I’ve tested with the 5.3beta version of Google Analytics by Yoast and notifications are now being delivered as expected

    I am also having the same issue – I have Yost SEO (not analytics). Deactivated the plugin and still not working.

    Here’s the error message I receive:

    Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in
    wp-content/plugins/wpmandrill/wpmandrill.php on line 1646

    Any clues to lead in the right direction would be most helpful!

    @eaglehawk22 This seems to be a different issue.

    my jetpack contact form emails are not being sent , they are directed to hosting server. whereas woocommerce emails are being sent via mandril and i also have google analytics by yoast installed.

    any advise that it may start sending contact form emails too. (as it was previously)

    my issue is resolved, for anyone seeking here is the url to solved thread :

    For anybody that is trying to get wordpress emails to be sent via mandrill, I ended up using this plugin instead:

    All my gravity forms and easy digital downloads emails are being sent via mandrill now. All I did was install the amazon ses dkim mailer plugin, checked the “Send e-mail via SMTP” box, and then inputted my mandrillapp smtp details. Voila, all wordpress emails go through mandrill now.

    Fyi.. I tried this wpMandrill plugin (didn’t work at all) and many other options before finding the above solution. I notice a lot of people have problems with this plugin so get the word out on the Amazon SES DKIM Mailer plugin. It is very configurable for any smpt, amazon ses of course, and dkim stuff. Be sure to give it five stars so the developer continues to update it.


    Forget Mandrill. It’s broken for a lot of people here, including me.

    I’ve got no response on this forum for help so I’ve given up and gone with

    Exactly the same setup as Mandrill, including free account.

    Difference is, MailJet works perfectly with Gravity Forms and all my other transactional emails through WordPress.

    Hope this helps.

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