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    Thread Starter Xavier Gimeno Torrent


    Today I’ve found a way of using the plugin for multilanguage sites. It is a very simple fashion of building a site map for every one of the languages of your website without changing a line of php code. In the following steps it is assumed you are using the WPML plugin.

    1. First, at the PS Auto Sitemap Dashboard, you must uncheck the “Using cache” box. That is, you do not need use cache. That is the key for building every time a sitemap, so that, every sitemap in the diferent languages will be like the only sitemap builded by the plugin.

    2. Translate the page sitemap of the original language into every language of your pages. You need do this in the same way you would do for every page or post. The code you add to every page will be the same you added to your sitemap original page (that is the “<!– SITEMAP CONTENT REPLACE POINT –>” pointed by the plugin).

    3. Retain the page_id of every translated page.

    4. In WPML Dashboard, you must go to: “String Translation” > “Translate texts in admin screens”. Once you are here, you must search for “+ ps_sitemap” section. Once found, click over the link, and check the “post_id” box. Next you need to “Apply” the changes (button “Apply” on the bottom of the page). Next, you need to click over the “String translation” link appearing then.

    5. If everything has gone well, now you are at the “Strins translation” page. If you can not see the string on the domain “admin_texts_ps_sitemap”, you must look for “admin_texts_ps_sitemap (1)” at the “Select strings within domain:” box. Now you would be able to see the box. Here you need to add or change the page_id for the new sitemaps of every language.

    6. If step 5 went wrong, please, add a file named “wpml-config.xml”, at the ROOT OF YOUR THEME FOLDER, with the next code (recall clearing the cache after adding the file). After adding the file, and clearing the cache, follow step 5.

    <key name=”ps_sitemap”>
    <key name=”post_id”/>

    7. If everything has gone right, you must have one sitemap per language.

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