Hi again,
i have changed a lot. so right now, it’s kinda impossible for me to make a screencast. sorry.
But i will try to explain briefly with screenshots:
I use Vp for both single image carousels and post slides. no problem for chosen images from wp library. For posts, which i use only the Custom post types, i was able to chose simply the CPT category which i needed to show.
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But after starting to translate CPT taxonomies, and translating the VP saved layouts, the translated content did not show up. i checked the saved layout and saw that i can find translated taxonomies, just by typing to the placeholder.
and i found out that excluded posts works.
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By the way, i realized that i didn’t need to translate the VP saved layouts into the other language. It simply worked by just changing everything to excluded posts one by one.
After that, i played around a lot, changed some taxonomies, CPT slugs etc. I checked again and it still doesn’t work if i chose translated taxonomies. items are not even displayed within gutenberg editor:
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I guess there’s something with the theme core files. I mean, it may not even be related to VP.
my theme uses a core plugin, which i guess shaped around redux framework. Because when i try to change something with child theme. it’s usually not possible without editing the core plugin. Anyway, i am also NOT an expert on this sort of coding things. So this is just a guess, which might help understand the issue.
I hope i could explain the issue well. I would like to help you anytime, if you need to know something else about the issue.
Thank you for your interest and the great plugin / work.