• Resolved Gronix


    I use this plugin in the WPMU. All admins of blogs have to display only subscribes who I added in the main domain:

    global $wpdb;
    $wpdbtest_otherdb = new wpdb('xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx');
    $row = $wpdbtest_otherdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM jU82We_sms_subscribes WHERE status = '1'");
    foreach ($row as $username_active) :
     echo "<option>". $username_active->name."</option>";

    Problem: why sms not send?

    How I have to edit code in wp-sms.php ?

    if($sms->SendSMS()) {
    $to = implode($wpdb->get_col("SELECT mobile FROM {$table_prefix}sms_subscribes"), ",");
    echo "<div class='updated'><p>" . __('SMS was sent with success', 'wp-sms') . "</p></div>";
    update_option('wp_last_credit', $sms->GetCredit());


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