• Hi,

    I have a wpmu installation with 4 websites. I’ve made a CMS website from it, I use the blogs for news.

    I want to be able to create a post so it appears on all of my 4 websites. Now I have to make the same post 4 times for each website. It would also be nice to choose to post on all website or on the current website.

    Is there a plugin or a solution for this?

    The same question I also have for plugins. Ik have a calendar plugin that has to be the same on all 4 websites. Now I have to add events for each website individually.

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  • I want to be able to create a post so it appears on all of my 4 websites. Now I have to make the same post 4 times for each website. It would also be nice to choose to post on all website or on the current website.


    For the plugin part, if you want the same result on all blogs, then the plugin has to save global tables.

    Thread Starter JohnD25


    Thanka Andrea, for the blog part, the Threewp-Broadcast plugin worked like a charm.

    For the plugin part: I use “WP Events Calendar” and I want the same calender with events on all of my 4 sites in the network. How can I go global or define that the tables from this plugin are global?




    I have just started my search…but is there a related plugin to these Broadcast plugins or a Sitewide Tags way to either automatically channel specific category/tag posts to specific sites on a network? Example. News category posts from All-Blogs get SWT’d over to A-Blog, Fashion category posts get sent to B-Blog?

    Either something like that or a broadcast plugins that allows you as superadmin to set exactly what sites to broadcast to instead of showing the full list in the post editor screen.

    @nahummadrid I’m looking for something similar. Say for a gaming website with WordPress 3.0 with Network on.

    Say I do a post with the category ps3, xbox, wii for example. It should auto-publish that post to the ps3 site, xbox site & wii site.

    Let me know if you find a solution. I’ll post back if I find something as well.

    But I’ll take a look at this plugin more in depth to see if it works for my needs


    If you’re using subsites as categories and you’re the only authors… I think I’d revisit why you’re using multisite.

    SWT pulls all posts to one site. It does not push out to others.



    It just hit me. Duh. I had been going about it all right.

    @tosh either grab the rss for those categories from the tags blog and shoot em over where you want them. you may need a feedwordpress type plugin to make those posts publish on the site you want them.

    or, and this is my case, I only want to feature/highlight user posts that are of a specific category, I don’t necessarily need to publish them again on the mainsites. I could switch_to the tags site to see posts from that category on a secondary-mainsite.

    I think what I was wanting to do before is be able to have another main-sub-site just for Images for example, when users make an image post on their subsite, it would also publish on the Images site…and from here I could do all sorts of cool organizing, featuring, highlighting, sorting and filtering of all user images. I didn’t want to use a feed plugin for this though because I’d have to manually input each subsite rss. that’s why I was thinking of using one of these plugins.



    If you’re using subsites as categories and you’re the only authors… I think I’d revisit why you’re using multisite.

    I’ve created a subsites to hold different posts categories that I didn’t want to be on the main blog, Why would I revisit this way of using multisite?

    What if I don’t want to struggle with making plugins work with custom post types or categories within the same site, like ratings? What if I didn’t want create templates over templates to show different category posts in different ways within the same theme? There’s one theme I’d like to showcase my photos while there’s another theme I like to showcase my blog, and another to do my videos. Is that really so wrong?

    I rather like the way I’ve kept my main site light, other wise I’d have 5 different custom post types cluttering up my main site admin , i’d need to customize several different plugins to show different widgets for the different categories I’ve decided to put on subsites.

    No, it’s not wrong” and I wasn’t implying so.

    There’s pros and cons to each option. You need to consider which one you’d want to live with, and that answer is different for everyone.

    multisite was not built for cross-posting. each admin area is separate. while you could probably do what you want, you may have to do some custom coding.

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