• For some reason, since a couple days my views are not tracked anymore.

    In the console log, I see the message “WPP: Oops, invalid request!”

    For your information, I’m using WordPress 3.9.2 and WordPress Popular Posts 3.0.3 with Ajaxify enabled because I use a cache plugin.

    Here is the code generated by the plugin in my blog header:

    <!-- WordPress Popular Posts v3.0.3 -->
                <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    					jQuery.get('https://www.resharelist.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', {
    						action: 'update_views_ajax',
    						token: 'c0d56a573b',
    						id: 517					}, function(response){
    						if ( console && console.log )
                <!-- End WordPress Popular Posts v3.0.3 -->

    Any help would be highly appreciated.


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