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  • Just the hyperbole on that site is enough to see that they’re clearly the equivalent of late-night infomercial fodder on the WP security side.

    “Are you getting this, camera guy?” ??

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bluebearmedia.

    I think anything can be hacked…I’ve just been hacked myself.
    I think the key to all of this is being able to recover from disaster as well as protecting yourself.
    I have had no success with wordfence scans so I’m using a different product for scanning.

    I don’t understand the fascination with scanning. There is no scan in the universe that can find every hack or intrusion possible. Defense is what’s important, not scanning and then reacting, or just spending hours fiddling around with setting up scanning so it seems to work. Personally, my approach is defense along with good backups, I do a lightweight scan once a week during server low traffic period. Wordfence is the hands down winner for defense. MTN

    Hi grumblenz,
    We had one of our devs look at the video real quick and from a security standpoint it proves absolutely nothing because it does not actually show an exploit.

    If you take the code in the demonstration video and URLDecode it you’ll get the message “You’re not supposed to read this. this an exploit.. Actually, this is text to hide the real exploit, just in case some tries to replicate this hack after watching this video.”

    If they were actually hacking a site in this video, they would be entering a script, not a piece of text. They have formulated the text to make it seem that they are “faking” a hack to protect people. But there definitely is no hack happening in the video. How do you respond to someone who claims they can hack your product but are only willing to show a video of a fake hack as evidence?

    I think the best response might simply be: Before you buy a product from any security company, take your time. Browse the companies websites. Get a feel for their public image and their marketing strategies. If it seems like someone is trying to scare you in to buying a product, think twice.

    Hope that helps!

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