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  • Thread Starter m_scud


    In WPSOLR:

    When I click on “load data” and “delete data” I have a grey page where WPSOLR is supposed to be display.

    In SOLR:

    When I click on “load data” in WPSOLR, I still have “ERROR: [doc=1] unknown field ‘PID'” in SOLR logs…

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    I have exactly the same error when I remove the PID field declaration in schema.xml.

    I strongly suspect your schema.xml is not right.

    Can you check it in your Solr admin ?
    ( /solr/#/collection1/files?file=schema.xml )

    Thread Starter m_scud


    Ok, you’re right. I was checking my schema.xml through my FTP and not through Solr…

    But as it’s fine when I check through my FTP, do I have to flush a cache or restart something?

    I already restart apache2 and tomcat7…

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    If you changed the schema.xml, you need to reload the core to get the new structure alive.

    In solr admin, go to /solr/#/~cores/collection1, then click on the “Reload core” button.

    Thread Starter m_scud


    I tried too… but nothing change.

    Like if there is a cache or if files I uploaded with my ftp were not take in to account..

    I uploaded files in example/solr/collection1/conf

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    Can you try to create a new core from the Solr admin. It will tell you where to put your files.

    example/ is strange.

    For me, on ubuntu/tomcat, it’s /opt/solr/myroot/multicore/collection1/conf

    Thread Starter m_scud


    Thank you so much for your help!!!

    It’s working!

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    Have fun ??

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    The new release WPSOLR 2.2 is aware of WooCommerce custom taxonomies.


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