• The wpStoreCart site has been down for a few days. I have tickets in for finding fixes on a whole bunch of bugs. My client is so pissed about not getting her store up and running for a month and a half I now have to find another solution for her.

    wpStoreCart has great potential but after 3 years of building it has so bugs it is totally unusable at this point. Now that the site is down and again tickets are not getting answered and resolved I have to move to something else to work. even though I bought 3 pro wpStoreCarts from you.

    I understand that your time is limited because of what is going on in your life right now. You may need to fix that first so you can put forth the effort needed to get wpStoreCart to work right.



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  • The site is still down. Does anyone know what’s going on?

    I’m not sure whether to wait for a solution or to jump ship and try another product. I’ve put a lot of time into this one and my client is getting impatient.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    I’m sorry, you two. Site is back up. I’m not sure what happened, other than I was using a VPS from this host: https://www.vpssaints.com/ When the site went down I opened a support ticket. Over 100 hours later I still have no reply (I’ve since left many desperate replies to the ticket, asking for even an acknowledgement, but to no avail.)

    I’ve been running websites fulltime since 2005, so I know the importance of backups. That’s why I had daily backups taken automatically. However, they were taken within the web hosts own system, and since they’re not responding, and my service is all dead and no longer functioning, I cannot access my daily backups. Instead, I was forced to use some older backups. I’ll be going through the orders and restoring everyone’s purchases since the backup was created.

    Lessons learned:
    1. Don’t use https://www.vpssaints.com/
    2. Don’t rely on backups that are hosted by your web host, instead, take down daily backups locally

    Thread Starter onomoney


    I also have a huge amount of time in to my project Dave. I have the shop built but functions are not working so I can go live. My client wants me to go to Zen Cart, the looks like a great platform but I see a huge learning curve ahead.

    I got the message that wpstorecart site is back up and running. I have used a bunch of crap hosting companies in the past I only use HostGator now just because of the support.

    I do see that you now know how it feels to get no support and how frustrating it is. So you may want to reflect on your frustrations with your hosting and put on the shoes of your customers and see how we or I have felt for the last month and a half.

    I have the site up with products ready to sell and wpstorecart is not working enough to sell anything. I have added replies to the ticket I have open as to what some of the issues are at this point. I either have to get them fixed and the site running today or I install Zen Cart tomorrow and forget about wpstorecart. This depends on your support and actions.

    We are all totally frustrated!

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Your tickets are all gone with the host. Like I said, I had to restore older backups, and they precede your support tickets unfortunately. I understand you’re frustrated, and I’ve been doing my best to help you this entire time. What are your current issues, as I’m sure they can easily be resolved. Please post them here since I know you’ll be posting here and I’m subscribed to this thread and I’ll get those issues ironed out for you good sir.

    Thread Starter onomoney


    Sorry for the delay I needed to go through the site again and document the issues since they were all in your support ticket system.

    Only the products in the Sunless Tanning Solution category are totally ready to sell. So only use that category for testing.

    Images on front page I still can’t make them larger.

    Variations for products will not edit or delete. You need to delete the whole product to change anything. Not a good practice for SEO as far as links and if product has comments on it.

    After registration if you fill out the registration and shipping info and submit, the shipping info has a message “You are missing required information” Not taking and storing the shipping info from registration page. Information needs to be captured and stored or put on a second page.

    User name is email? Somewhat confusing where it says username instead of user e-mail. Or register with username, email, and pass.

    Step 2 if under $100 shows shipping as N/C, $20 product shows no charge for shipping. USPS shipping not showing, UPS shipping not showing, No shipping upgrades showing.

    Try to use the check out in the sidebar widget instead of the check out with PayPal on the main page and it doesn’t work.

    After registration customer info is not showing anywhere I am guessing until after they pay. Retaining pending registered members is very important to contact as to what the issue is as to why they didn’t purchase. Was it the product, price, site? If this information is being retained where do you find it?

    Would love to change the look of the buttons but could never find the step by step documentation on how to do that.

    The order of products and categories can’t be individually arranged in order of hierarchy. They display in order of how they are submitted as far as I can find.

    I have an irate client that is about to ask for her deposit back and move on. Really sucks because this is my third project with her, Like I said a month ago I really need help getting this store up and running. Need something message me @ bradtwest at gmail.com on the chat works.

    Thread Starter onomoney


    Kinda left out info in haste The site URL

    Thread Starter onomoney


    Wow that’s kinda messed up The Tanologist Store

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    You lucked out, my daughter unexpectedly got picked up a day early, so I’m able to look at your issues now, instead of tomorrow evening. I’m going through each of your issues now, and will post a giant update when I’ve concluded my investigation. Thank you.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    1. Images on front page
    A. I found the bug that was causing your issue with this. Patch for this is included in wpStoreCart 3.9.16.

    2. Variations for products
    A. It looks like you’re using Attributes instead of Variations. Attributes are very complicated to work with (it’s meant for when you have several unique product attributes, such as size, color, gender, etc, which would result in a lot of published product differences. It’s not uncommon to create thousands of products using the product attributes) I have replicated your issue with deleting attributes. It’s a complicated problem and will take more time than I have at present to patch.

    However, for the products in this store, you are much better off using the Variations system instead. Variations, as opposed to Attributes, are clones of the main product, and are much easier to work with, edit, and delete. They can be edited just like a product, allowing you to change the price, shipping, picture gallery, descriptions, etc. Looking through the products offered on that store, using the simple Variation system is definitely preferable. Just think of each variation as a clone of the main product (meaning you should wait until you’ve completed the main product before constructing any variations.)

    3. After registration the shipping info has a message “You are missing required information”
    A. It took me awhile to narrow down what your issue was here, but eventually I isolated it. This one is a pain, as I can’t recreate this issue on any of my test or live server environments. However, I do know where it’s choking on your server, and I’ve been writing the patch for it the better part of the last 3 hours. However, it’s midnight & it’s been a long day. I’ll finish the patch and release it in 3.9.17 tomorrow.

    In the meantime, I’m about to push out 3.9.16 which fixes your category sizing image sizing issue. I’ll address the rest of your concerns tomorrow with 3.9.17 and a follow up post here.

    Thread Starter onomoney


    Updated to 3.9.16 and reset the CSS file worked like a charm, issue seems to be fixed.

    Fixing the variations at this point would mean deleting all products and reloading them then use attributes. I may have to do that to get a desired order of products.

    Regina is very excited that her site maybe useable by the end of the day. Fixing these bugs may partially save some face. Praying hard that you can fix these issues soon.


    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Don’t delete the products, I’ve worked in a way to delete Attributes in 3.9.17 which I’ll be releasing later this evening. I’ll make a bigger update on this thread once I’ve finished 3.9.17 and I will address the rest of your concerns. Thanks.

    Thread Starter onomoney


    I was just getting ready to tackle that project. Thanks for the heads up.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Glad to hear I caught you in time. 3.9.17 is out now, and it patches the issue you had deleting Attributes. I recommend deleting all your Attributes on each product, and then refreshing the product. Once refreshed, when you click on the Variations tab, it should give you a choice again to either select Simple Variations or Advanced Attributes. Select Simple Variations and use that system to construct your variations, as it is much more straight forward.

    I’m working on your registration anomaly now, and look to have that patched in 3.9.18 later this evening. Thanks for your help and patience.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Alright, I finished 3.9.18 a bit ago, but I’m having SVN issues trying to release the puppy. If I don’t get the SVN issues resolved shortly, I’ll email you the updated plugin Brad. It fixes your registration issue. I’ll be back on this thread later tonight with more answers to your questions, but for now, back to getting this dang SVN issue resolved (if it’s not one thing, it’s another)

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Okay, SVN issue resolved, 3.9.18 is available for download now.

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