Wrap Search results in DIV tage
Hi all.
My site https://www.skipperbar.co.za has all content from pages and posts in a DIV tag
<div style="width: 790px; height: 365px; margin: 5px; overflow: auto;">
However I’m not sure how to set the search results page in such a manner.Also to make life easier how could we automatically add that to new posts?
Thanks in advance!
Do you know the file that displays search results?
Hi Andrew
There isn’t a specific page, but the PHP page is https://www.skipperbar.co.za/wp-content/themes/SkipperBarv4_1/search.php
You’ll need to find where the search results are outputting, then wrap your
around it, however you should use CSS externally as opposed to inline.The theme was written by Artisteer. There is a searchform.php and search.php.
<?php get_header(); ?> <?php global $sb_primary,$sb_secondary ;$sb_primary = 'default';$sb_secondary = 'secondary'; ?> <style type='text/css'> .post ol {list-style-position:outside;} .post ul li, .post ol ul li {overflow:visible;} </style> <?php if (theme_get_option('top_sidebar_search') && theme_get_option('top_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('top');} ?> <?php tt_get_header_layout(); ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('top_sidebar_search') && !theme_get_option('top_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('top');} ?> <?php if(have_posts()) { theme_post_wrapper( array('content' => '<h4 class="box-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', THEME_NS ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) . '</h4>' ) ); /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ if (theme_get_option('theme_top_posts_navigation')) { theme_page_navigation(); } /* Start the Loop */ while (have_posts()) { the_post(); get_template_part('content', get_post_format()); } /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ if (theme_get_option('theme_bottom_posts_navigation')) { theme_page_navigation(); } } else { ?> <div style="width: 790px; height: 365px; margin: 5px; overflow: auto;"> <?php ob_start(); $title_search = __('Sorry but I can\'t find the page you\'re looking for...', 'THEME_NS');?> <p><?php _e('Let me help you find what you came here for:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <?php $s = preg_replace("/(.*)-(html|htm|php|asp|aspx)$/","$1",$wp_query->query_vars['name']); $posts = query_posts('post_type=post&name='.$s); $s = str_replace("-"," ",$s); if (count($posts) == 0) { $posts = query_posts('post_type=post&s='.$s); } if (count($posts) > 0) { ?> <ol><li> <p><?php _e('Were you looking for <strong>one of the following</strong> posts?', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <ul> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { echo '<li><a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'">'.$post->post_title.'</a></li>'; } echo "</ul>"; ?> <p><?php _e('If not, don\'t worry, I\'ve got a few more tips for you to find it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p></li> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php _e('<strong>Don\'t worry though!</strong> I\'ve got a few tips for you to find it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <ol> <?php } ?> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Search</strong> for it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?> <form style="display:inline;" action="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($s); ?>" id="s" name="s"/> <input type="submit" value="Search"/> </form></p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>If you typed in a URL...</strong> make sure the spelling, cApitALiZaTiOn, and punctuation are correct. Then try reloading the page.', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Look</strong> for it in the ', 'THEME_NS'); ?><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>/sitemap/"><?php _e('sitemap', 'THEME_NS'); ?></a>. </p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Start over again</strong> at my ', 'THEME_NS'); ?><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>"><?php _e('homepage', 'THEME_NS'); ?></a><?php _e(' (and please contact me to say what went wrong, so I can fix it).', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> </li> </ol> <?php theme_post_wrapper( array( 'title' => $title_search, 'content' => ob_get_clean() ) ); ?></div> <?php } ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_search') && !theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('bottom');} ?> <?php tt_get_footer_layout(); ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_search') && theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('bottom');} ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
If the theme is not custom, you should first create a Child Theme, otherwise any changes made to original theme files will be overwritten once the theme updates.
You need the basic example of a child theme in the link (above), then a copy of this file from the theme, into the child theme.
Then you can modify this file (from within the child theme).
This could be a possible change for your
;<?php get_header(); ?> <?php global $sb_primary,$sb_secondary ;$sb_primary = 'default';$sb_secondary = 'secondary'; ?> <style type='text/css'> .post ol {list-style-position:outside;} .post ul li, .post ol ul li {overflow:visible;} </style> <?php if (theme_get_option('top_sidebar_search') && theme_get_option('top_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('top');} ?> <?php tt_get_header_layout(); ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('top_sidebar_search') && !theme_get_option('top_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('top');} ?> <?php if(have_posts()) { echo '<div class="search_wrapper">'; theme_post_wrapper( array('content' => '<h4 class="box-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', THEME_NS ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) . '</h4>' ) ); /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ if (theme_get_option('theme_top_posts_navigation')) { theme_page_navigation(); } /* Start the Loop */ while (have_posts()) { the_post(); get_template_part('content', get_post_format()); } /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ if (theme_get_option('theme_bottom_posts_navigation')) { theme_page_navigation(); } echo '</div>'; } else { ?> <div style="width: 790px; height: 365px; margin: 5px; overflow: auto;"> <?php ob_start(); $title_search = __('Sorry but I can\'t find the page you\'re looking for...', 'THEME_NS');?> <p><?php _e('Let me help you find what you came here for:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <?php $s = preg_replace("/(.*)-(html|htm|php|asp|aspx)$/","$1",$wp_query->query_vars['name']); $posts = query_posts('post_type=post&name='.$s); $s = str_replace("-"," ",$s); if (count($posts) == 0) { $posts = query_posts('post_type=post&s='.$s); } if (count($posts) > 0) { ?> <ol><li> <p><?php _e('Were you looking for <strong>one of the following</strong> posts?', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <ul> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { echo '<li><a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'">'.$post->post_title.'</a></li>'; } echo "</ul>"; ?> <p><?php _e('If not, don\'t worry, I\'ve got a few more tips for you to find it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p></li> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php _e('<strong>Don\'t worry though!</strong> I\'ve got a few tips for you to find it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> <ol> <?php } ?> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Search</strong> for it:', 'THEME_NS'); ?> <form style="display:inline;" action="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($s); ?>" id="s" name="s"/> <input type="submit" value="Search"/> </form></p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>If you typed in a URL...</strong> make sure the spelling, cApitALiZaTiOn, and punctuation are correct. Then try reloading the page.', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Look</strong> for it in the ', 'THEME_NS'); ?><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>/sitemap/"><?php _e('sitemap', 'THEME_NS'); ?></a>. </p> </li> <li><p> <?php _e('<strong>Start over again</strong> at my ', 'THEME_NS'); ?><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>"><?php _e('homepage', 'THEME_NS'); ?></a><?php _e(' (and please contact me to say what went wrong, so I can fix it).', 'THEME_NS'); ?></p> </li> </ol> <?php theme_post_wrapper( array( 'title' => $title_search, 'content' => ob_get_clean() ) ); ?></div> <?php } ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_search') && !theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('bottom');} ?> <?php tt_get_footer_layout(); ?> <?php if (theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_search') && theme_get_option('bot_sidebar_wide_search')) {get_sidebar('bottom');} ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
I’ve wrapped a
<div class="search_wrapper">
around your search results, which encourages external or internal CSS use.
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