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  • WADD


    i have problems to wrap other shortcode… is there any solution?

    According to the WordPress codex, shortcodes can be coded to allow wrapping other shortcodes. Obviously Show/Hide Content was not coded this way. I tried wrapping [expires] around the columns shortcode to make part of a page expire and it resulted in the page looking like the editor with the shortcodes showing rather than creating the columns.

    Mr. Clements, please make this code change. It would make your otherwise excellent plugin much more useful.

    I found a solution.

    The “Outerbridge Nested Shortcodes” plugin did just what I wanted, for at least my specific case. Now I can have the columns shortcode within the bounds of the expires shortcode and have both work.

    All that is needed is the O.N.S. plugin to be installed and active. Supposedly this works for all shortcodes.

    Plugin Author Dave Clements


    Sorry for the lack of a response. The new version coming out today will support nesting shortcodes inside the new time-restrict shortcode.

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