There isn’t any easy way to do that unfortunately, i’ve had a quick fiddle around…
The problem here is that the title is in the header, and the header is loaded > before < the post loop…
This means you can’t do any IF/ELSE post statements around that title area…
Perhaps i’m looking at this from the wrong angle but i can’t see any easy way to do it… if anyone else can chime in and suggest an easy approach i’ll happily write the code, but right now i don’t see how to tackle it..
Likely possible by unhooking the current wp_title filter and creating a new one, but that’s possibly hours of work and testing, and i’m sorry but i’m not prepared to spend hours on this for you…
For reference.. for anyone wanting to look or help..
wp_title() function in general-template.php
Line 468:
$title = apply_filters('wp_title', $title, $sep, $seplocation);