• CatzEyes


    I am at a loss to describe my problem: it isn’t Gutenberg-related, strictly speaking, but here goes.

    I wrote a new post 11/11, and my Write New Post page looked as it has since Gutenberg was introduced; I added and formatted headers, titled it, and posted. (Typical page: https://artforartssakepress.com/2020/11/06/a-prayer-for-all-souls/)

    On Sunday, I reviewed a comment, and the edit post page looked the same.

    Tonight, I went to add a new post and the Write Post page looked completely different: the title no longer centered in black at top of screen but green and ranged left; the header color options were only grey, black and green instead of the usual blues and greens my site uses. Not even the block choices looked familiar.


    That link is to the screenshot I took of the Write New Post page — of course, I don’t have a shot of what it looked like a week ago, but the title block was black and centered, and the draft text was inset on the page, not jammed to the left edge. This problem affects drafting posts; nothing appears to be changed on the website.

    Is this a theme problem? If so, why all of a sudden? I am using Verbosa and the most recent WP Theme is Twenty Twenty; the WP screen says WordPress 5.5.3.

    I’ve used WP a long time, but hate getting surprised by changes to the interface, if that’s all this is. User error entirely possible, but what do I do to get it back to earlier view while editing?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I see you also posted in your theme’s dedicated forum, which is the best place to get an answer. To keep replies in one place, I’m closing this topic. Anyone following along can continue at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/reposting-in-verbosa-forum-writing-posts-screens-lost-prior-formatting/

    I’m sorry you’ve had no replies on this. Editor appearance is theme dependent, and the theme was recently updated around the time you noticed a change. There are likely editor stylesheets you can alter to get your preferred appearance, but changes will not survive a theme update unless you create a child theme. Of course, you cannot reply to this message. It’s just FYI, I’ve nothing more to add.

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