Wrong date for each forum and on the date wrong link
(Sorry for my bad english)
I have a problem with my bbpress.
I’m beginner in bbpress.My problem is for each forum, i have the same date.
And the link in the date are bad too.I have no idea where the problem come …
Do you have any idea ?
Example HomeAnd no problem when i enter in forum :
Example in one section of forumThe problem is just in home of forum.
I have try “Recalculate last activity in each topic and forum” and nothing change …
I modify CSS too, but i think it’s not a problem ?This is my activate extension :
Akismet, bbP private groups, bbp style pack, bbPress, bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab, bbPress Go To First Unread Post, bbPress New Topics, bbPress New UI, bbPress Quotes, bbPress Unread Posts v2, bbPress Votes, bbPress WP Tweaks, bbPress2 BBCode, bbPress2 shortcode whitelist, BBSpoiler, BuddyPress, BuddyPress Captcha, Emojin, GD bbPress Tools, Krown Portfolio, Mandrill For WordPress – Email form under Post, oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers, Revolution Slider, TinyMCE Advanced, User Role Editor, Widgets on Pages, WordPress Social Login, WP Emoji One, WP Maintenance Mode, WP ULike, WPBakery Visual ComposerThx for you’re help !
See you !Bob
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