• Hi,

    This is the problem:

    The authorship of some posts is the first comment-writer instead of the author. When the author replies he becomes the owner of authorship again.

    WordPress version: 3.5.1
    WordPress SEO version:1.4.7

    What I did:

    1.) I set up the Author-Meta-Tag and Google Publisher Site settings in the plugin and followed Yoast instruction from the help pages and blogposts (https://yoast.com/wordpress-rel-author-rel-me/)

    I expected the plugin to do this:
    The Plugin should put the Authors Name in each post, and enable google to find the authors name automatically, so that the g+picture and authorship is on every search result.

    Instead it did this:

    Only some post have a g+picture in googles search results.
    Sometimes another person has the ownership of my posts. (First comment writer)

    You can see that here https://tinyurl.com/m3zwe7w (Google search results)
    Blogpage: https://www.hebammenblog.de/

    Home someone can tell my, what I did wrong!?


    PS: The Googles snippet testing tool cannot find the authors name automatically on the website, when doing the emailvarification. Everything else seems fine.



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