wrong Gravatar shown in Live Comment Preview
I have recently upgraded from 2.0.11 to 2.84 and for the most part, things are running correctly. I have the Live Comment Preview plugin installed. It is working fine EXCEPT that even though I have chosen the “Identicon (Generated)” gravatar for those commenters not registered with gravatar, the live comment preview is showing THE “mystery man” image.
Until finding out how to fix this, I checked Don’t show Avatars in wp-admin ? settings ? discussions. The avatar continued to showed up in the preview. Happily, this thread gave a CSS fix that I have added to my tempate CSS:
#comment-preview img.avatar {display:none;}
Does anyone know how to get Live Comment Preview plugin to show the correct avatar?
Thank you.
I did see the following thread but do NOT understand the coding at all, knowing only enough about php to get myself into a world of trouble
Sounds like you will need to have a developer take a look at it.
He posted a link to his modified file. If you want to give it a try, De-activate the plugin, Backup your original copy of live-comment-preview.php then replace the entire code with this and re-activate.
<?php /* Plugin Name: Live Comment Preview Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/live-comment-preview/ Description: Supply users with a live comment preview. Use the function <?php live_preview() ?> to display the live preview in a different location. Based on version 1.7 by <a href="https://jm.cc/">Jeff Minard</a>. Author: Brad Touesnard Author URI: https://bradt.ca/ Version: 1.9 Copyright 2007 Brad Touesnard (https://bradt.ca/) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ function lcp_output_js() { global $user_ID, $user_identity; // Gravatar settings $gravatar_size = 64; $gravatar_show = get_option('show_avatars'); // showing or hiding avatars can be set in the admin panel under Settings - Discussion $gravatar_default = get_option('avatar_default'); // The default avatar style can be chosen under Settings - Discussion // $gravatar_default = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536'; // or put a URI to your custom default image here $gravatar_rating = get_option('avatar_rating'); // Customize this string if you want to modify the preview output // %1 - author's name (as hyperlink if available) // %2 - comment text // %3 - gravatar image url $previewFormat = ' <ol class="commentlist" style="clear: both; margin-top: 3em;"> <li id="comment-preview" class="alt" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="comment-author vcard">'; if ($gravatar_show) { $previewFormat .= ' <img src="%3" alt="" class="avatar avatar-' . $gravatar_size . '" width="' . $gravatar_size . '" height="' . $gravatar_size . '"/>'; } $previewFormat .= ' <span class="fn n">%1</span> </div> <div class="comment-meta">Posted (date) at (time) <span class="meta-sep">| Permalink</a></div> %2 </li> </ol>'; // If you have changed the ID's on your form field elements // You should make them match here $commentFrom_commentID = 'comment'; $commentFrom_authorID = 'author'; $commentFrom_urlID = 'url'; $commentFrom_emailID = 'email'; $user_gravatar = ''; // Default name if ($user_ID) { $default_name = $user_identity; $user = get_userdata($user_ID); if ($user) { $user_gravatar = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(strtolower($user->user_email)); } } else { $default_name = 'Anonymous'; } // You shouldn't need to edit anything else. ob_start ("ob_gzhandler"); //compress with gzip if possible header('Content-type: text/javascript'); ?> function wptexturize(text) { text = ' '+text+' '; var next = true; var output = ''; var prev = 0; var length = text.length; while ( prev < length ) { var index = text.indexOf('<', prev); if ( index > -1 ) { if ( index == prev ) { index = text.indexOf('>', prev); } index++; } else { index = length; } var s = text.substring(prev, index); prev = index; if ( s.substr(0,1) != '<' && next == true ) { s = s.replace(/---/g, '—'); s = s.replace(/--/g, '–'); s = s.replace(/\.{3}/g, '…'); s = s.replace(/<code></code>/g, '“'); s = s.replace(/'s/g, '’s'); s = s.replace(/'(\d\d(?:’|')?s)/g, '’$1'); s = s.replace(/([\s"])'/g, '$1‘'); s = s.replace(/(\d+)"/g, '$1″'); s = s.replace(/(\d+)'/g, '$1′'); s = s.replace(/([^\s])'([^'\s])/g, '$1’$2'); s = s.replace(/(\s)"([^\s])/g, '$1“$2'); s = s.replace(/"(\s)/g, '”$1'); s = s.replace(/'(\s|.)/g, '’$1'); s = s.replace(/\(tm\)/ig, '™'); s = s.replace(/\(c\)/ig, '©'); s = s.replace(/\(r\)/ig, '®'); s = s.replace(/''/g, '”'); s = s.replace(/(\d+)x(\d+)/g, '$1×$2'); } else if ( s.substr(0,5) == '<code' ) { next = false; } else { next = true; } output += s; } return output.substr(1, output.length-2); } function wpautop(p) { p = p + '\n\n'; p = p.replace(/(<blockquote[^>]*>)/g, '\n$1'); p = p.replace(/(<\/blockquote[^>]*>)/g, '$1\n'); p = p.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); p = p.replace(/\r/g, '\n'); p = p.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'); p = p.replace(/\n?(.+?)(?:\n\s*\n)/g, '<p>$1</p>'); p = p.replace(/<p>\s*?<\/p>/g, ''); p = p.replace(/<p>\s*(<\/?blockquote[^>]*>)\s*<\/p>/g, '$1'); p = p.replace(/<p><blockquote([^>]*)>/ig, '<blockquote$1><p>'); p = p.replace(/<\/blockquote><\/p>/ig, '<p></blockquote>'); p = p.replace(/<p>\s*<blockquote([^>]*)>/ig, '<blockquote$1>'); p = p.replace(/<\/blockquote>\s*<\/p>/ig, '</blockquote>'); p = p.replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, '<br />'); return p; } function updateLivePreview() { var cmntArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_commentID ?>'); var pnmeArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_authorID ?>'); var purlArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_urlID ?>'); var emlArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_emailID ?>'); if( cmntArea != null ) var cmnt = wpautop(wptexturize(cmntArea.value)); else var cmnt = ''; if( pnmeArea != null ) var pnme = pnmeArea.value; else var pnme = ''; if( purlArea != null ) var purl = purlArea.value; else var purl = ''; if ( emlArea != null ) var eml = emlArea.value; else var eml = ''; if(purl && pnme) { var name = '<a href="' + purl + '">' + pnme + '</a>'; } else if(!purl && pnme) { var name = pnme; } else if(purl && !pnme) { var name = '<a href="' + purl + '"><?php echo addslashes($default_name); ?></a>'; } else { var name = "<?php echo addslashes($default_name); ?>"; } <?php if ($gravatar_show) : ?> var user_gravatar = '<?php echo addslashes($user_gravatar); ?>'; var gravatar = '<?php echo addslashes($gravatar_default); ?>?'; if (eml != '') { gravatar = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + hex_md5(eml) + '?d=<?php echo urlencode($gravatar_default); ?>&'; } else if (user_gravatar != '') { gravatar = user_gravatar + '?d=<?php echo urlencode($gravatar_default); ?>&'; } gravatar += 's=<?php echo $gravatar_size; ?>'; <?php if (!empty($gravatar_rating)) { ?> gravatar += '&r=<?php echo urlencode($gravatar_rating) ?>'; <?php } endif; $previewFormat = str_replace("\r", "", $previewFormat); $previewFormat = str_replace("\n", "", $previewFormat); $previewFormat = str_replace("'", "\'", $previewFormat); $previewFormat = str_replace("%1", "' + name + '", $previewFormat); $previewFormat = str_replace("%2", "' + cmnt + '", $previewFormat); if ($gravatar_show) { $previewFormat = str_replace("%3", "' + gravatar + '", $previewFormat); } $previewFormat = "'" . $previewFormat . "';\n"; ?> document.getElementById('commentPreview').innerHTML = <?php echo $previewFormat; ?> } function initLivePreview() { if(!document.getElementById) return false; var cmntArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_commentID ?>'); var pnmeArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_authorID ?>'); var purlArea = document.getElementById('<?php echo $commentFrom_urlID ?>'); if ( cmntArea ) cmntArea.onkeyup = updateLivePreview; if ( pnmeArea ) pnmeArea.onkeyup = updateLivePreview; if ( purlArea ) purlArea.onkeyup = updateLivePreview; } //======================================================== // Event Listener by Scott Andrew - https://scottandrew.com // edited by Mark Wubben, <useCapture> is now set to false //======================================================== function addEvent(obj, evType, fn){ if(obj.addEventListener){ obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent){ var r = obj.attachEvent('on'+evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; } } addEvent(window, "load", initLivePreview); <?php // Add the MD5 functions using PHP so we only // need to make 1 request to the web server for JS $plugin_path = dirname(__FILE__); $md5_file = $plugin_path . '/md5.js'; @include($md5_file); // We're done outputting JS die(); } function live_preview($before='', $after='') { global $livePreviewDivAdded; if($livePreviewDivAdded == false) { // We don't want this included in every page // so we add it here instead of using the wphead filter echo '<script src="' . get_option('home') . '/?live-comment-preview.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; echo $before.'<div id="commentPreview"></div>'.$after; $livePreviewDivAdded = true; } } function lcp_add_preview_div($post_id) { live_preview(); return $post_id; } $livePreviewDivAdded == false; if( stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'live-comment-preview.js') ) { add_action('template_redirect', 'lcp_output_js'); } add_action('comment_form', 'lcp_add_preview_div'); ?>
Thank you; this might well work. However, for now I have decided to disable gravatars entirely.
But just in case someone else wants to make this fix, could you outline exactly where in the coding you made the changes? (ie: look for [coding snippet] add or change to [new coding snippet])
Thank you again.
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