It looks like yesterday was a one-off effect?
Today I modified a test page.
SEOPress Instant Indexing submitted this page:
mywebsite/?p=42741 with the wrong permalink.
(It has to be %postname%).
Additionally, this ID is also incorrect.
I cannot find a page or post with this submitted ID.
The correct page ID is 23094, and is in the list with noindex with these ID.
That means SEOPress transmits a wrong page with the wrong permalink, which is also on noindex …
After that i disabled and enabled the SEOPress Instant Indexing.
After that the submit was correct with %postname%.
(Dont’t know who long …)
But: mywebsite\test-page with these correct name is in the noindex list – Instant Indexing transmits this page anyway.
I turned it off Instant Indexing for now.