Wrong timezone despite correct options
Our wordpress site runs on a server in the USA.
– The timezone on the server is set to Asia/Jerusalem
– The timezone in php.ini on the server is set to Asia/Jerusalem
– The timezone option in the dashboard setting is Asia/JerusalemYet despite the above, error message, revision times and sometimes even articles themselves show the time in either UTC or even in location of the server (Chicago, IL, USA)! Worse still, it sometimes – without any rules I can see – displays the completely wrong times.
Right now, for example, I saved an update to a post. About 10 minutes, having left the post edit page open, it auto-saved. Look at the two lines in the list of revisions:
9 April, 2013 @ 17:56 [Autosave] by Biranit Goren
9 April, 2013 @ 14:19 by Biranit GorenAgain, the two are about 10 minutes apart so the first save should have been 17:46 or so…
Any suggestions?
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