• Hi

    I had implamented some JAVA codes in to the previous editor (text area) and I was using it to write in my language (without having that language in my PC) but it dosen’t work with WYSIWYG (html area)!!! any idea?

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  • Go to your options section find the writing options section. Click the check box to disable the rich text editor. Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter ??? ??? To Have ?????


    Thanks spirit892,

    I do want to use reach text editor by having my language supported. I mean it is good to have a reach text editor that supports right to left scripts (same as Arabic).
    There are some free weblog services that offers a free weblog which hae this kind of editor implemented.

    EditorMonkey comes close to fitting the bill, though you’ll have to modify the configuration a bit to add left to right support.

    However, all the browser-based WYSIWYG editors (FCKeditor, TinyMCE, Xinha/htmlArea) require that a language be installed on your computer to edit content in that language, since they don’t have control over the content area’s language (your browser/computer does).

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