• Good morning,

    I have a problem with implementation of x-default tag for my english language. I have searched whole internet for solution but could not find it. Someone was mentioning to check the following function:

    * Filters the list of rel hreflang attributes
    * @since 2.1
    * @param array $hreflangs Array of urls with language codes as keys
    $hreflangs = apply_filters( 'pll_rel_hreflang_attributes', $hreflangs );
    foreach ( $hreflangs as $lang => $url ) {
    	printf( '<link rel="alternate" href="%s" hreflang="%s" />' . "\n", esc_url( $url ), esc_attr( $lang ) );

    But this function just generate html tags for each language without adding x-default tag.

    Then, I have found sth like this:

    // Adds the site root url when the default language code is not hidden
    // See https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/implementation-of-hreflangx-default
    if ( is_front_page() && ! $this->options['hide_default'] && $this->options['force_lang'] < 3 ) {
    $hreflangs['x-default'] = home_url( 'https://example.com' );

    But this one does not do anything for me.

    I dunno if I have to switch off some settings within polylang to have it worked or how to modify exactly the code and which parts of it to get x-default tag for my english language. Add somewhere website URL or whatever…

    I dunno PHP and what exactly I have to change to get the x-default tag implemented. If someone can help I will appreciate it.

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